Theo dõi
Bilel Hadri
Bilel Hadri
Computational Scientist, KAUST Supercomputing Lab
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Trích dẫn bởi
Numerical linear algebra on emerging architectures: The PLASMA and MAGMA projects
E Agullo, J Demmel, J Dongarra, B Hadri, J Kurzak, J Langou, H Ltaief, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 180 (1), 012037, 2009
Comparative study of one-sided factorizations with multiple software packages on multi-core hardware
E Agullo, B Hadri, H Ltaief, J Dongarrra
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Computing Networking …, 2009
Plasma users guide
E Agullo, J Dongarra, B Hadri, J Kurzak, J Langou, J Langou, H Ltaief, ...
Technical report, ICL, UTK, 2009
Scaling of a Fast Fourier Transform and a pseudo-spectral fluid solver up to 196608 cores
AG Chatterjee, MK Verma, A Kumar, R Samtaney, B Hadri, R Khurram
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 113, 77-91, 2018
Towards an end-to-end analysis and prediction system for weather, climate, and marine applications in the red sea
I Hoteit, Y Abualnaja, S Afzal, B Ait-El-Fquih, T Akylas, C Antony, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 (1), E99-E122, 2021
Scalable tile communication-avoiding QR factorization on multicore cluster systems
F Song, H Ltaief, B Hadri, J Dongarra
SC'10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High …, 2010
Tile QR factorization with parallel panel processing for multicore architectures
B Hadri, H Ltaief, E Agullo, J Dongarra
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2010
High-order accurate entropy-stable discontinuous collocated Galerkin methods with the summation-by-parts property for compressible CFD frameworks: Scalable SSDC algorithms and …
M Parsani, R Boukharfane, IR Nolasco, DCDR Fernández, S Zampini, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 424, 109844, 2021
Overview of the KAUST’s Cray X40 system–Shaheen II
B Hadri, S Kortas, S Feki, R Khurram, G Newby
Proceedings of the 2015 Cray User Group 3, 2015
The automatic library tracking database
M Fahey, N Jones, B Hadri, B Hitchcock
Proceedings of the Cray User Group, 2010
Enhancing parallelism of tile QR factorization for multicore architectures
B Hadri, H Ltaief, E Agullo, J Dongarra
Matrix 2 (4), 8, 2010
Fast elliptic solver for incompressible navier stokes flow and heat transfer problems on the grid
M Garbey, B Hadri, W Shyy
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1386, 2005
Influential parameters on 3-D synthetic ground motions in a sedimentary basin derived from global sensitivity analysis
F De Martin, E Chaljub, P Thierry, P Sochala, F Dupros, E Maufroy, ...
Geophysical Journal International 227 (3), 1795-1817, 2021
Performance study of sustained petascale direct numerical simulation on Cray XC40 systems
B Hadri, M Parsani, M Hutchinson, A Heinecke, L Dalcin, D Keyes
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (20), e5725, 2020
Early application experiences with the Intel MIC architecture in a cray CX1
RG Brook, B Hadri, VC Betro, RC Hulguin, R Braby
Cray User Group 2012, 2012
HPC usage behavior analysis and performance estimation with machine learning techniques
H Zhang, H You, B Hadri, M Fahey
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed …, 2012
Large-scale system monitoring experiences and recommendations
V Ahlgren, S Andersson, J Brandt, N Cardo, S Chunduri, J Enos, P Fields, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 532-542, 2018
Real-time massively distributed multi-object adaptive optics simulations for the european extremely large telescope
H Ltaief, A Charara, D Gratadour, N Doucet, B Hadri, E Gendron, S Feki, ...
2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2018
Software usage on Cray systems across three centers (NICS, ORNL and CSCS)
B Hadri, M Fahey, T Robinson, W Renaud
Proceedings of the Cray User Group Conference (CUG 2012) 9, 385-391, 2012
Community use of xalt in its first year in production
R Budiardja, M Fahey, R McLay, PM Don, B Hadri, D James
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools, 1-10, 2015
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