Multivariate statistical and GIS-based approach to evaluate heavy metals behavior in mine sites for future reclamation JA Acosta, A Faz, S Martínez-Martínez, R Zornoza, DM Carmona, S Kabas Journal of geochemical exploration 109 (1-3), 8-17, 2011 | 300 | 2011 |
Effect of marble waste and pig slurry on the growth of native vegetation and heavy metal mobility in a mine tailing pond S Kabas, A Faz, JA Acosta, R Zornoza, S Martínez-Martínez, DM Carmona, ... Journal of Geochemical Exploration 123, 69-76, 2012 | 115 | 2012 |
Plant cover and soil biochemical properties in a mine tailing pond five years after application of marble wastes and organic amendments R Zornoza, A Faz, DM Carmona, S Martínez-Martínez, JA Acosta Pedosphere 22 (1), 22-32, 2012 | 101 | 2012 |
Assessment of the lead and zinc contents in natural soils and tailing ponds from the Cartagena-La Unión mining district, SE Spain S Martínez-Martínez, JA Acosta, AF Cano, DM Carmona, R Zornoza, ... Journal of Geochemical Exploration 124, 166-175, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
Carbon mineralization, microbial activity and metal dynamics in tailing ponds amended with pig slurry and marble waste R Zornoza, Á Faz, DM Carmona, JA Acosta, S Martínez-Martínez, ... Chemosphere 90 (10), 2606-2613, 2013 | 82 | 2013 |
A multidisciplinary study for mining landscape reclamation: A study case on two tailing ponds in the Region of Murcia (SE Spain) P Martínez-Pagán, A Faz, JA Acosta, DM Carmona, S Martínez-Martínez Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 36 (16), 1331-1344, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
The effect of former mining activities on contamination dynamics in sediments, surface water and vegetation in El Avenque stream, SE Spain R Zornoza, DM Carmona, JA Acosta, S Martínez-Martínez, N Weiss, Á Faz Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223, 519-532, 2012 | 56 | 2012 |
Cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc in secondary sulfate minerals in soils of mined areas in Southeast Spain DM Carmona, ÁF Cano, JM Arocena Geoderma 150 (1-2), 150-157, 2009 | 53 | 2009 |
Assessment of environmental risk of reclaimed mining ponds using geophysics and geochemical techniques JA Acosta, P Martínez-Pagán, S Martínez-Martínez, A Faz, R Zornoza, ... Journal of Geochemical Exploration 147, 80-90, 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
Factibilidad de disposición de los biosólidos generados en una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales combinada AM Quinchía, DM Carmona Revista EIA, 89-108, 2004 | 33 | 2004 |
Integration of landscape reclamation and design in a mine tailing in Cartagena-La Unión, SE Spain S Kabas, JA Acosta, R Zornoza, A Faz Cano, DM Carmona, ... International Journal of Energy and Environment 5 (2), 301-308, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |
Marble wastes and pig slurry improve the environmental and plant-relevant properties of mine tailings S Kabas, A Faz, JA Acosta, JM Arocena, R Zornoza, S Martínez-Martínez, ... Environmental geochemistry and health 36, 41-54, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Syrian bean-caper (Zygophyllum fabago L.) improves organic matter and other properties of mine wastes deposits S Kabas, JM Arocena, JA Acosta, A Faz, S Martínez-Martínez, R Zornoza, ... International journal of phytoremediation 16 (4), 366-378, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Pig manure application for remediation of mine soils in Murcia Province, SE Spain A Faz, DM Carmona, A Zanuzzi, AR Mermut The Scientific World Journal 8 (1), 819-827, 2008 | 14 | 2008 |
Estudio de estabilidad en depósitos de lodos del Distrito Minero de Mazarrón (SE España): Riesgos potenciales sobre la Rambla de Las Moreras JA Acosta, S Martínez-Martínez, P Martínez-Pagan, R Zornoza, ... Boletín Geológico y Minero 122 (2), 145-160, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Enhancing soil water retention and plant growth with thermal crosslinked silk sericin-based hydrogel N Jaramillo-Quiceno, ASD Carmona, JS Serna, DM Carmona, ... Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 12 (2), 112260, 2024 | 7 | 2024 |
Monitoring soil properties and heavy metals concentrations in reclaimed mine soils from SE Spain by application of different amendments R Zornoza, DM Carmona, RM Rosales, Á Faz, A BüYükkiliç, S Kabas, ... 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World …, 2010 | 7 | 2010 |
Heavy metals distribution in soil particle size fractions from a mining area in the southeast of Spain. S Martínez-Martínez, Á Faz, JA Acosta, DM Carmona, R Zornoza, ... | 7 | 2010 |
Swine wastewater treatment system using constructed wetlands connected in series A García-Valero, JA Acosta, Á Faz, MD Gómez-López, DM Carmona, ... Agronomy 14 (1), 143, 2024 | 6 | 2024 |
Photoelectrochemical Methods for Flat Band Potential Estimation: Case Studies of ZnO Nanorods and TiO2 Compact Films S Bermúdez, L Castañeda, L Salazar, C Sánchez-Saénz, D Carmona Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169 (9), 096513, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |