Tectonic burial and “young”(< 10 Ma) exhumation in the southern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt (Italy) S Mazzoli, M D'errico, L Aldega, S Corrado, C Invernizzi, P Shiner, ... Geology 36 (3), 243-246, 2008 | 147 | 2008 |
A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy F Villani, R Civico, S Pucci, L Pizzimenti, R Nappi, PM De Martini Scientific data 5 (1), 1-11, 2018 | 104 | 2018 |
Structural signature of tectonic processes in the Calabrian Arc, southern Italy: Evidence from the oceanic‐derived Diamante‐Terranova unit G Cello, C Invernizzi, S Mazzoli Tectonics 15 (1), 187-200, 1996 | 81 | 1996 |
La fascia periadriatica marchigiano-abruzzese dal Pliocene medio ai tempi attuali: evoluzione tettonico-sedimentaria e geomorfologica S Bigi, G Cantalamessa, E Centamore, P Didaskalou, F Dramis, ... Studi Geologici Camerti 1, 37-49, 1995 | 72 | 1995 |
Thermal maturity of the axial zone of the southern Apennines fold‐and‐thrust belt (Italy) from multiple organic and inorganic indicators S Corrado, L Aldega, P Di Leo, C Giampaolo, C Invernizzi, S Mazzoli, ... Terra Nova 17 (1), 56-65, 2005 | 71 | 2005 |
Fault zone fabrics and geofluid properties as indicators of rock deformation modes G Cello, E Tondi, L Micarelli, C Invernizzi Journal of Geodynamics 32 (4-5), 543-565, 2001 | 66 | 2001 |
Pliocene-quaternary thrusting, syn-orogenic extension and tectonic exhumation in the Southern Apennines (Italy): Insights from the Monte Alpi area S Mazzoli, L Aldega, S Corrado, C Invernizzi, M Zattin | 59 | 2006 |
On the origin of cleavage in the Central Pyrenees: structural and paleo-thermal study E Izquierdo-Llavall, L Aldega, V Cantarelli, S Corrado, I Gil-Peña, ... Tectonophysics 608, 303-318, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
Deformation features within an active normal fault zone in carbonate rocks: The Gubbio fault (Central Apennines, Italy) M Bussolotto, A Benedicto, C Invernizzi, L Micarelli, V Plagnes, G Deiana Journal of Structural Geology 29 (12), 2017-2037, 2007 | 50 | 2007 |
Quality assessment of reservoirs by means of outcrop data and “discrete fracture network” models: The case history of Rosario de La Frontera (NW Argentina) geothermal system R Maffucci, S Bigi, S Corrado, A Chiodi, L Di Paolo, G Giordano, ... Tectonophysics 647, 112-131, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
Tectonic burial and exhumation in a foreland fold and thrust belt: the Monte Alpi case history (Southern Apennines, Italy) S Corrado, C Invernizzi, S Mazzoli Geodinamica Acta 15 (3), 159-177, 2002 | 41 | 2002 |
Stile strutturale e cronologia della deformazione lungo la traversa MS Vicino-Polverigi (Appennino marchigiano esterno). F Calamita, G Cello, MC Invernizzi, W Paltrinieri STUDI GEOLOGICI CAMERTI. NUOVA SERIE, 69-86, 1990 | 38 | 1990 |
Fault properties and fluid flow patterns from Quaternary faults in the Apennines, Italy G Cello, C Invernizzi, S Mazzoli, E Tondi Tectonophysics 336 (1-4), 63-78, 2001 | 36 | 2001 |
Crop 03: structure of the Montecalvo in Foglia-Adriatic sea segment M DE DONATIS, MC Invernizzi, A Landuzzi, S Mazzoli, M Potetti MEMORIE DELLA SOCIETA'GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 52 (1), 617-630, 1998 | 35 | 1998 |
Testing the validity of organic and inorganic thermal indicators in different tectonic settings from continental subduction to collision: the case history of the Calabria … S Corrado, C Invernizzi, L Aldega, M D'errico, P Di Leo, S Mazzoli, ... Journal of the Geological Society 167 (5), 985-999, 2010 | 34 | 2010 |
Analisi strutturale della" linea Ancona-Anzio" Auct. tra Cittareale e Micigliano (Rieti) F Calamita, G Deiana, MC Invernizzi, S Mastrovincenzo Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana 106 (2), 365-375, 1987 | 34 | 1987 |
Influence of P/T conditions on the style of normal fault initiation and growth in limestones from the SE-Basin, France L Micarelli, A Benedicto, C Invernizzi, B Saint-Bezar, JL Michelot, ... Journal of Structural Geology 27 (9), 1577-1598, 2005 | 33 | 2005 |
Strain indicators and magnetic fabric in intraplate fault zones: Case study of Daroca thrust, Iberian Chain, Spain AM Casas-Sainz, A Gil-Imaz, JL Simón, E Izquierdo-Llavall, L Aldega, ... Tectonophysics 730, 29-47, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
Fluid channeling along thrust zones: the Lagonegro case history, southern Apennines, Italy T Gabellone, M Gasparrini, A Iannace, C Invernizzi, S Mazzoli, ... Geofluids 13 (2), 140-158, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
New thermobaric constraints on the exhumation history of the Liguride accretionary wedge, southern Italy C Invernizzi, G Bigazzi, S Corrado, P Di Leo, M Schiattarella, M Zattin Ofioliti 33 (1), 21-32, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |