Design and Simulation of High Efficiency Lead-Free Heterostructure Perovskite Solar Cell Using SCAPS-1D S Yasin, T Al Zoubi, M Moustafa
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104 2021 Unconventional Magnetostructural Transition in at High Magnetic Fields V Tsurkan, S Zherlitsyn, S Yasin, V Felea, Y Skourski, J Deisenhofer, ...
Physical review letters 110 (11), 115502, 2013
90 2013 Angle-Dependent Evolution of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov<? format?> State in an Organic Superconductor R Beyer, B Bergk, S Yasin, JA Schlueter, J Wosnitza
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82 2012 Efficiency boost of CZTS solar cells based on double-absorber architecture: Device modeling and analysis T AlZoubi, A Moghrabi, M Moustafa, S Yasin
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64 2021 Magnetoelectric effect and phase transitions in CuO in external magnetic fields Z Wang, N Qureshi, S Yasin, A Mukhin, E Ressouche, S Zherlitsyn, ...
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39 2022 Spin dynamics of the organic linear chain compounds (TMTTF) ( , AsF , BF , ReO , and SCN) B Salameh, S Yasin, M Dumm, G Untereiner, L Montgomery, M Dressel
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39 2011 Numerical analysis of the role of p-MoSe2 interfacial layer in CZTSe thin-film solar cells using SCAPS simulation M Moustafa, T Al Zoubi, S Yasin
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Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (10), 104420, 2012
32 2012 Magnetostructural transitions in a frustrated magnet at high fields V Tsurkan, S Zherlitsyn, V Felea, S Yasin, Y Skourski, J Deisenhofer, ...
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31 2011 Γ3 -Type Lattice Instability and the Hidden Order of URu2 Si2 T Yanagisawa, S Mombetsu, H Hidaka, H Amitsuka, M Akatsu, S Yasin, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82 (1), 013601, 2012
30 2012 Ultrasonic investigations of the spin ices and in and out of equilibrium S Erfanifam, S Zherlitsyn, S Yasin, Y Skourski, J Wosnitza, AA Zvyagin, ...
Physical Review B 90 (6), 064409, 2014
29 2014 Broken magnetic symmetry due to charge-order ferroelectricity discovered in (TMTTF) salts by multifrequency ESR S Yasin, B Salameh, E Rose, M Dumm, HA Krug von Nidda, A Loidl, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (14), 144428, 2012
29 2012 Magnetic phase diagram of multiferroic MnWO4 probed by ultrasound V Felea, P Lemmens, S Yasin, S Zherlitsyn, KY Choi, CT Lin, C Payen
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28 2011 Acoustic Faraday effect in A Sytcheva, U Löw, S Yasin, J Wosnitza, S Zherlitsyn, P Thalmeier, T Goto, ...
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