MRICloud: delivering high-throughput MRI neuroinformatics as cloud-based software as a service S Mori, D Wu, C Ceritoglu, Y Li, A Kolasny, MA Vaillant, AV Faria, K Oishi, ... Computing in Science & Engineering 18 (5), 21-35, 2016 | 239 | 2016 |
Fornix integrity and hippocampal volume predict memory decline and progression to Alzheimer’s disease MM Mielke, OC Okonkwo, K Oishi, S Mori, S Tighe, MI Miller, C Ceritoglu, ... Alzheimer's & Dementia 8 (2), 105-113, 2012 | 238 | 2012 |
Multi-contrast large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping for diffusion tensor imaging C Ceritoglu, K Oishi, X Li, MC Chou, L Younes, M Albert, C Lyketsos, ... Neuroimage 47 (2), 618-627, 2009 | 222 | 2009 |
Large deformation diffeomorphism and momentum based hippocampal shape discrimination in dementia of the Alzheimer type L Wang, F Beg, T Ratnanather, C Ceritoglu, L Younes, JC Morris, ... IEEE transactions on medical imaging 26 (4), 462-470, 2007 | 215 | 2007 |
Increasing the power of functional maps of the medial temporal lobe by using large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping MI Miller, MF Beg, C Ceritoglu, C Stark Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (27), 9685-9690, 2005 | 204 | 2005 |
Plasma ceramides are altered in mild cognitive impairment and predict cognitive decline and hippocampal volume loss MM Mielke, NJ Haughey, VVR Bandaru, S Schech, R Carrick, MC Carlson, ... Alzheimer's & Dementia 6 (5), 378-385, 2010 | 169 | 2010 |
Image-based estimation of ventricular fiber orientations for personalized modeling of cardiac electrophysiology F Vadakkumpadan, H Arevalo, C Ceritoglu, M Miller, N Trayanova IEEE transactions on medical imaging 31 (5), 1051-1060, 2012 | 155 | 2012 |
Correction of B0 susceptibility induced distortion in diffusion-weighted images using large-deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping H Huang, C Ceritoglu, X Li, A Qiu, MI Miller, PCM van Zijl, S Mori Magnetic resonance imaging 26 (9), 1294-1302, 2008 | 126 | 2008 |
Resource atlases for multi-atlas brain segmentations with multiple ontology levels based on T1-weighted MRI D Wu, T Ma, C Ceritoglu, Y Li, J Chotiyanonta, Z Hou, J Hsu, X Xu, ... Neuroimage 125, 120-130, 2016 | 113 | 2016 |
Multi-atlas tool for automated segmentation of brain gray matter nuclei and quantification of their magnetic susceptibility X Li, L Chen, K Kutten, C Ceritoglu, Y Li, N Kang, JT Hsu, Y Qiao, H Wei, ... Neuroimage 191, 337-349, 2019 | 90 | 2019 |
Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping registration of reconstructed 3D histological section images and in vivo MR images C Ceritoglu, L Wang, LD Selemon, JG Csernansky, MI Miller, ... Frontiers in human neuroscience 4, 895, 2010 | 72 | 2010 |
Segmentation of brain magnetic resonance images based on multi-atlas likelihood fusion: testing using data with a broad range of anatomical and photometric profiles X Tang, D Crocetti, K Kutten, C Ceritoglu, MS Albert, S Mori, SH Mostofsky, ... Frontiers in neuroscience 9, 61, 2015 | 68 | 2015 |
Tools for multiple granularity analysis of brain MRI data for individualized image analysis A Djamanakova, X Tang, X Li, AV Faria, C Ceritoglu, K Oishi, AE Hillis, ... Neuroimage 101, 168-176, 2014 | 66 | 2014 |
Computational analysis of LDDMM for brain mapping C Ceritoglu, X Tang, M Chow, D Hadjiabadi, D Shah, T Brown, ... Frontiers in neuroscience 7, 151, 2013 | 62 | 2013 |
ASL‐MRICloud: An online tool for the processing of ASL MRI data Y Li, P Liu, Y Li, H Fan, P Su, SL Peng, DC Park, KM Rodrigue, H Jiang, ... NMR in Biomedicine 32 (2), e4051, 2019 | 54 | 2019 |
Multi-modal MRI analysis with disease-specific spatial filtering: initial testing to predict mild cognitive impairment patients who convert to Alzheimer’s disease K Oishi, K Akhter, M Mielke, C Ceritoglu, J Zhang, H Jiang, X Li, L Younes, ... Frontiers in neurology 2, 54, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Distinct abnormalities of the primate prefrontal cortex caused by ionizing radiation in early or midgestation LD Selemon, C Ceritoglu, JT Ratnanather, L Wang, MP Harms, K Aldridge, ... Journal of Comparative Neurology 521 (5), 1040-1053, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
Evaluation of cross-protocol stability of a fully automated brain multi-atlas parcellation tool Z Liang, X He, C Ceritoglu, X Tang, Y Li, KS Kutten, K Oishi, MI Miller, ... PloS one 10 (7), e0133533, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Diffeomorphic brain mapping based on T1‐weighted images: Improvement of registration accuracy by multichannel mapping A Djamanakova, AV Faria, J Hsu, C Ceritoglu, K Oishi, MI Miller, AE Hillis, ... Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 37 (1), 76-84, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Test–retest reproducibility of a multi‐atlas automated segmentation tool on multimodality brain MRI TJR Rezende, BM Campos, J Hsu, Y Li, C Ceritoglu, K Kutten, ... Brain and behavior 9 (10), e01363, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |