Niche-induced cell death and epithelial phagocytosis regulate hair follicle stem cell pool KR Mesa, P Rompolas, G Zito, P Myung, TY Sun, S Brown, DG Gonzalez, ...
Nature 522 (7554), 94-97, 2015
161 2015 Coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in ferromagnetic metals NI Karchev, KB Blagoev, KS Bedell, PB Littlewood
Physical review letters 86 (5), 846, 2001
142 2001 Strongly coupled Coulomb systems G Kalman, JM Rommel, K Blagoev
Plenum Press, 1998
139 1998 Effect of ferromagnetic spin correlations on superconductivity in ferromagnetic metals KB Blagoev, JR Engelbrecht, KS Bedell
Physical review letters 82 (1), 133, 1999
88 1999 Modelling the magnetic signature of neuronal tissue KB Blagoev, B Mihaila, BJ Travis, LB Alexandrov, AR Bishop, D Ranken, ...
NeuroImage 37 (1), 137-148, 2007
67 2007 Schwinger-Dyson approach to nonequilibrium classical field theory KB Blagoev, F Cooper, JF Dawson, B Mihaila
Physical Review D 64 (12), 125003, 2001
64 2001 Hyper telomere recombination accelerates replicative senescence and may promote premature aging RT Hagelstrom, KB Blagoev, LJ Niedernhofer, EH Goodwin, SM Bailey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (36), 15768-15773, 2010
63 2010 DNA repair triggered by sensors of helical dynamics O Maillard, U Camenisch, FC Clement, KB Blagoev, H Naegeli
Trends in biochemical sciences 32 (11), 494-499, 2007
63 2007 Bubble statistics and dynamics in double-stranded DNA BS Alexandrov, LT Wille, KØ Rasmussen, AR Bishop, KB Blagoev
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (5 …, 2006
63 2006 Hazard ratios in cancer clinical trials—a primer KB Blagoev, J Wilkerson, T Fojo
Nature reviews Clinical oncology 9 (3), 178-183, 2012
60 2012 Biophysical modeling of phase changes in BOLD fMRI Z Feng, A Caprihan, KB Blagoev, VD Calhoun
NeuroImage 47 (2), 540-548, 2009
59 2009 BCS-BEC crossover with a finite-range interaction MM Parish, B Mihaila, EM Timmermans, KB Blagoev, PB Littlewood
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (6), 064513, 2005
58 2005 Luttinger theorem in one dimensional metals KB Blagoev, KS Bedell
Physical review letters 79 (6), 1106, 1997
54 1997 Quantitative study of spin noise spectroscopy in a classical gas of atoms B Mihaila, SA Crooker, DG Rickel, KB Blagoev, PB Littlewood, DL Smith
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (4), 043819, 2006
50 2006 Versatile protection from mutagenic DNA lesions conferred by bipartite recognition in nucleotide excision repair O Maillard, U Camenisch, KB Blagoev, H Naegeli
Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research 658 (3), 271-286, 2008
45 2008 Ultra-violet light induced changes in DNA dynamics may enhance TT-dimer recognition KB Blagoev, BS Alexandrov, EH Goodwin, AR Bishop
DNA repair 5 (7), 863-867, 2006
45 2006 Cell proliferation in the presence of telomerase KB Blagoev
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44 2009 Phases in strongly coupled electronic bilayer liquids VI Valtchinov, G Kalman, KB Blagoev
Physical Review E 56 (4), 4351, 1997
42 1997 Sunitinib does not accelerate tumor growth in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma KB Blagoev, J Wilkerson, WD Stein, RJ Motzer, SE Bates, AT Fojo
Cell Reports 3 (2), 277-281, 2013
38 2013 S-wave superconductivity in weak ferromagnetic metals KB Blagoev, JR Engelbrecht, KS Bedell
Philosophical magazine letters 78 (2), 169-176, 1998
38 1998