Dynamics of laminar separation bubbles at low-Reynolds-number aerofoils R Hain, CJ Kähler, R Radespiel Journal of Fluid Mechanics 630, 129-153, 2009 | 259 | 2009 |
Main results of the 4th International PIV Challenge CJ Kähler, T Astarita, PP Vlachos, J Sakakibara, R Hain, S Discetti, ... Experiments in Fluids 57, 1-71, 2016 | 257 | 2016 |
Fundamental protective mechanisms of face masks against droplet infections CJ Kähler, R Hain Journal of aerosol science 148, 105617, 2020 | 234 | 2020 |
Comparison of CCD, CMOS and intensified cameras R Hain, CJ Kähler, C Tropea Experiments in fluids 42, 403-411, 2007 | 214 | 2007 |
A simple single camera 3C3D velocity measurement technique without errors due to depth of correlation and spatial averaging for microfluidics C Cierpka, R Segura, R Hain, CJ Kähler Measurement Science and Technology 21 (4), 045401, 2010 | 202 | 2010 |
Fundamentals of multiframe particle image velocimetry (PIV) R Hain, CJ Kähler Experiments in fluids 42, 575-587, 2007 | 192 | 2007 |
Tomographic and time resolved PIV measurements on a finite cylinder mounted on a flat plate R Hain, CJ Kähler, D Michaelis Experiments in fluids 45, 715-724, 2008 | 143 | 2008 |
Reynolds stress estimation up to single-pixel resolution using PIV-measurements S Scharnowski, R Hain, CJ Kähler Experiments in fluids 52, 985-1002, 2012 | 121 | 2012 |
Scanning PIV investigation of the laminar separation bubble on a SD7003 airfoil W Zhang, R Hain, CJ Kähler Experiments in Fluids 45, 725-743, 2008 | 110 | 2008 |
Experimental evidence of near-wall reverse flow events in a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer CE Willert, C Cuvier, JM Foucaut, J Klinner, M Stanislas, JP Laval, ... Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 91, 320-328, 2018 | 77 | 2018 |
A variable-fidelity modeling method for aero-loads prediction ZH Han, S Görtz, R Hain New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII: Contributions …, 2010 | 66 | 2010 |
Extensive characterisation of a high Reynolds number decelerating boundary layer using advanced optical metrology C Cuvier, S Srinath, M Stanislas, JM Foucaut, JP Laval, CJ Kähler, R Hain, ... Journal of Turbulence 18 (10), 929-972, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
High-repetition-rate PIV investigations on a generic rocket model in sub-and supersonic flows M Bitter, S Scharnowski, R Hain, CJ Kähler Experiments in fluids 50, 1019-1030, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
Non-iterative double-frame 2D/3D particle tracking velocimetry T Fuchs, R Hain, CJ Kähler Experiments in Fluids 58, 1-5, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
Experimental Investigation of the Log-Law for an Adverse Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow at Re θ = 10000 T Knopp, D Schanz, A Schröder, M Dumitra, C Cierpka, R Hain, CJ Kähler Flow, turbulence and combustion 92, 451-471, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
Flow visualization by mobile phone cameras C Cierpka, R Hain, NA Buchmann Experiments in fluids 57, 1-10, 2016 | 43 | 2016 |
Aerosol particle emission increases exponentially above moderate exercise intensity resulting in superemission during maximal exercise B Mutsch, M Heiber, F Grätz, R Hain, M Schönfelder, S Kaps, D Schranner, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (22), e2202521119, 2022 | 41 | 2022 |
Investigation of scaling laws in a turbulent boundary layer flow with adverse pressure gradient using PIV T Knopp, NA Buchmann, D Schanz, B Eisfeld, C Cierpka, R Hain, ... Journal of Turbulence 16 (3), 250-272, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
Characterization of pressure dynamics in an axisymmetric separating/reattaching flow using fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint M Bitter, T Hara, R Hain, D Yorita, K Asai, CJ Kähler Experiments in fluids 53, 1737-1749, 2012 | 39 | 2012 |
Können mobile Raumluftreiniger eine indirekte SARS-CoV-2 Infektionsgefahr durch Aerosole wirksam reduzieren CJ Kähler, T Fuchs, R Hain preprint, 2020 | 33 | 2020 |