Các bài viết có thể truy cập công khai - Grant ConnetteTìm hiểu thêm
Có tại một số nơi: 9
Field Diagnostics and Seasonality of Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola in Wild Snake Populations
JM McKenzie, SJ Price, JL Fleckenstein, AN Drayer, GM Connette, ...
EcoHealth 16, 141-150, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Agriculture
Resource selection by an ectothermic predator in a dynamic thermal landscape
AD George, GM Connette, FR Thompson III, J Faaborg
Ecology and evolution 7 (22), 9557-9566, 2017
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Agriculture
Predicted alteration of surface activity as a consequence of climate change
MR Gade, GM Connette, JA Crawford, DJ Hocking, JC Maerz, ...
Ecology 101 (11), e03154, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Education
Effects of snake fungal disease on short‐term survival, behavior, and movement in free‐ranging snakes
JM McKenzie, SJ Price, GM Connette, SJ Bonner, JM Lorch
Ecological applications 31 (2), e02251, 2021
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Agriculture
Demographic rates of Golden-cheeked Warblers in an urbanizing woodland preserve
JL Reidy, FR Thompson III, GM Connette, L O'Donnell
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 120 (2), 249-264, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Agriculture
Trap characteristics and species morphology explain size-biased sampling of two salamander species
TM Luhring, GM Connette, CM Schalk
Amphibia-Reptilia 37 (1), 79-89, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
The challenges of protecting an endangered species in the developing world: a case history of Eld’s Deer conservation in Myanmar
WJ McShea, M Aung, M Songer, G Connette
Case Studies in the Environment 2 (1), 1-9, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Education, US Agency for …
Movement and survival of captive-bred Limosa harlequin frogs (Atelopus limosus) released into the wild
B Klocke, A Estrada, M Mataya, D Medina, E Baitchman, L Belden, ...
Frontiers in Amphibian and Reptile Science 1, 1205938, 2023
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation
Droughts reduce growth rates and increase vulnerability to increasingly frequent and severe drying events in an aquatic ectotherm
TM Luhring, LS Wszola, GM Connette, CM Schalk
Journal of Herpetology 56 (4), 521-527, 2022
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
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