The time course of lexical access in speech production: A study of picture naming. WJM Levelt, H Schriefers, D Vorberg, AS Meyer, T Pechmann, J Havinga Psychological review 98 (1), 122, 1991 | 910 | 1991 |
Different time courses for visual perception and action priming D Vorberg, U Mattler, A Heinecke, T Schmidt, J Schwarzbach Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (10), 6275-6280, 2003 | 521 | 2003 |
Modeling variability and dependence in timing D Vorberg, A Wing Handbook of perception and action 2, 181-262, 1996 | 456 | 1996 |
Optimal feedback correction in string quartet synchronization AM Wing, S Endo, A Bradbury, D Vorberg Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11 (93), 20131125, 2014 | 188 | 2014 |
Timing precision in continuation and synchronization tapping A Semjen, HH Schulze, D Vorberg Psychological Research 63, 137-147, 2000 | 183 | 2000 |
Criteria for unconscious cognition: Three types of dissociation T Schmidt, D Vorberg Perception & Psychophysics 68 (3), 489-504, 2006 | 176 | 2006 |
On the temporal control of rhythmic performance D Vorberg, R Hambuch Attention and performance VII, 535-555, 2022 | 159 | 2022 |
Linear phase-correction in synchronization: Predictions, parameter estimation, and simulations D Vorberg, HH Schulze Journal of Mathematical Psychology 46 (1), 56-87, 2002 | 144 | 2002 |
Timing of two-handed rhythmic performance. D Vorberg, R Hambuch Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1984 | 120 | 1984 |
Getting synchronized with the metronome: Comparisons between phase and period correction A Semjen, D Vorberg, HH Schulze Psychological Research 61 (1), 44-55, 1998 | 118 | 1998 |
The time course of response inhibition in masked priming A Lingnau, D Vorberg Perception & psychophysics 67, 545-557, 2005 | 115 | 2005 |
Normal and deviant lexical processing: Reply to Dell and O'Seaghdha (1991). WJM Levelt, H Schriefers, D Vorberg, AS Meyer, T Pechmann, J Havinga American Psychological Association 98 (4), 615, 1991 | 114 | 1991 |
Estimating the difference limen in 2AFC tasks: Pitfalls and improved estimators R Ulrich, D Vorberg Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 71 (6), 1219-1227, 2009 | 98 | 2009 |
Distribution inequalities for parallel models with unlimited capacity H Colonius, D Vorberg Journal of Mathematical Psychology 38 (1), 35-58, 1994 | 93 | 1994 |
The single-format assumption in arithmetic fact retrieval. S Blankenberger, D Vorberg Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 23 (3), 721, 1997 | 88 | 1997 |
Keeping synchrony while tempo changes: Accelerando and ritardando HH Schulze, A Cordes, D Vorberg Music Perception 22 (3), 461-477, 2005 | 85 | 2005 |
The fast and the slow of skilled bimanual rhythm production: parallel versus integrated timing. RT Krampe, R Kliegl, U Mayr, R Engbert, D Vorberg Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 26 (1), 206, 2000 | 82 | 2000 |
Random search with unequal search rates: Serial and parallel generalizations of McGill's model D Vorberg, R Ulrich Journal of Mathematical Psychology 31 (1), 1-23, 1987 | 81 | 1987 |
Invariant time course of priming with and without awareness D Vorberg, U Mattler, A Heinecke, T Schmidt, J Schwarzbach Psychophysics Beyond Sensation, 271-288, 2004 | 59 | 2004 |
On the equivalence of parallel and serial models of information processing D Vorberg tenth annual mathematical psychological meeting, 1977 | 53 | 1977 |