Rapid rivers and slow seas? P Biagi, S Shennan, M Spataro Radiocarbon 8000 (7500BP), 7000BP, 2005 | 146 | 2005 |
The widening harvest. The Neolithic transition in Europe: looking back, looking forward AJ Ammerman, P Biagi Archaeological Institute of America 6, 1-343, 2003 | 118 | 2003 |
Qurum: a case study of coastal archaeology in Northern Oman P Biagi, W Torke, M Tosi, HP Uerpmann World Archaeology 16 (1), 43-61, 1984 | 97 | 1984 |
A radiocarbon chronology for the aceramic shell‐middens of coastal Oman P Biagi Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 5 (1), 17-31, 1994 | 96 | 1994 |
Popolazione e territorio nell'Appennino Tosco-Emiliano e nel tratto centrale del bacino del Po tra il IX e il V millennio aC P Biagi, L Castelletti, M Cremaschi, B Sala, C Tozzi Emilia preromana 8, 13-36, 1979 | 91 | 1979 |
Donja Branjevina: A neolithic settlement near Deronje in the Vojvodina (Serbia) P Biagi Centralgrafica 10, 1-308, 2005 | 88 | 2005 |
The radiocarbon chronology of the Neolithic and Copper Age of northern Italy B Bagolini, P Biagi Oxford Journal of Archaeology 9 (1), 1-23, 1990 | 82 | 1990 |
The prehistoric fisher-gatherers of the western coast of the Arabian Sea: a case of seasonal sedentarization? P Biagi, R Nisbet World Archaeology 38 (2), 220-238, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
FROM HUNTING T0 HERDING IN THE VAL PENNAVAIRA (Liguria-northern Italy) G Barker, P Biagi, G CLARK, R Maggi, R Nisbet | 69 | 1990 |
Il neolitico B Bagolini, P Biagi Preistoria e Protostoria nel Reggiano Ricerche e Scavi 1940-1975 1, 23-25, 1975 | 67 | 1975 |
Il neolitico del Vhò di Piadena B Bagolini, P Biagi Preistoria Alpina Trento 11, 77-121, 1975 | 64 | 1975 |
The early Palaeolithic sites of the Rohri Hills (Sind, Pakistan) and their environmental significance P Biagi, M Cremaschi World Archaeology 19 (3), 421-433, 1988 | 62 | 1988 |
A review of the Late Mesolithic in Italy and its implications for the Neolithic transition P Biagi The widening harvest. The Neolithic transition in Europe: looking back …, 2003 | 61 | 2003 |
The Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic settlement of northern Italy: recent considerations P Biagi, E Starnini, B Voytek Poročilo o raziskovanju paleolita, neolita in eneolita v Sloveniji 21, 45-67, 1993 | 61 | 1993 |
New observations on the radiocarbon chronology of the Starčevo-Criş and Körös cultures P Biagi, M Spataro Prehistoric archaeology & anthropological theory and education. Reports of …, 2005 | 54 | 2005 |
Environmental history and plant exploitation at the aceramic sites of RH5 and RH6 near the mangrove swamp of Qurm (Muscat—Oman) P Biagi, R Nisbet Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. Actualités Botaniques 139 (2-4 …, 1992 | 53 | 1992 |
Scavi nella stazione di Monte Covolo (1972-73) Parte I LH Barfield, P Biagi, MA Borrello ANNALI DEL MUSEO-MUSEO CIVICO ARCHEOLOGICO DELLA VALLE SABBIA. GAVARDO 12, 7-160, 1979 | 52 | 1979 |
The Mesolithic of the northwestern Pontic region New AMS dates for the origin and spread of the blade and trapeze industries in southeast Europe P Biagi, D Kiosak Eurasia Antiqua 16, 21-41, 2010 | 51 | 2010 |
Surveys along the Oman Coast: Preliminary report on the 1985-1988 campaigns P Biagi East and West 38 (1/4), 271-291, 1988 | 51 | 1988 |
Popolazione e territorio in Liguria tra il XII e il IV millennio bc P Biagi, R Nisbet Scritti in Ricordo di Graziella Massari Taballo e di Umberto Tocchetti …, 1986 | 51 | 1986 |