Testosterone and domain-specific risk: Digit ratios (2D: 4D and rel2) as predictors of recreational, financial, and social risk-taking behaviors E Stenstrom, G Saad, MV Nepomuceno, Z Mendenhall Personality and individual differences 51 (4), 412-416, 2011 | 220 | 2011 |
Testosterone & gift-giving: Mating confidence moderates the association between digit ratios (2D: 4D and rel2) and erotic gift-giving MV Nepomuceno, G Saad, E Stenstrom, Z Mendenhall, F Iglesias Personality and Individual Differences 91, 27-30, 2016 | 32 | 2016 |
Testosterone at your fingertips: Digit ratios (2D: 4D and rel2) as predictors of courtship-related consumption intended to acquire and retain mates MV Nepomuceno, G Saad, E Stenstrom, Z Mendenhall, F Iglesias Journal of Consumer Psychology 26 (2), 231-244, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
Homo Virtualensis: Evolutionary Psychology as a Tool for Studying Video Games Z Mendenhall, G Saad, MV Nepomuceno Evolutionary psychology and information systems research: A new approach to …, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
Exploring video games from an evolutionary psychological perspective Z Mendenhall, MV Nepomuceno, G Saad Encyclopedia of E-Business development and management in the global economy …, 2010 | 18 | 2010 |
Finger length ratio and attitudes toward several product categories MV Nepomuceno, G Saad, E Stenstrom, Z Mendenhall ACR North American Advances, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |
Testosterone and Context-Specific Risk: Digit Ratios As Predictors of Recreational, Financial, and Social Risk-Taking Proclivity E Stenstrom, G Saad, MV Nepomuceno, Z Mendenhall ACR North American Advances, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
The Effect of Competitive Labeling on Charitable Donation Z Mendenhall, A Mukherjee ACR North American Advances, 2013 | | 2013 |
Should Firms Apologize After a Crisis? the Moderating Role of Negative Publicity Z Mendenhall, A Mukherjee ACR North American Advances, 2012 | | 2012 |
Disgust Cubed: the Effect of Pathogen, Moral, and Sexual Disgust on Product Evaluations, Avoidant Behaviour, and Attributions Z Mendenhall Concordia University, 2011 | | 2011 |
Testosterone and domain-specific risk: Digit ratios (2D: 4D and rel2) as predictors of recreational, financial, and social risk-taking behaviors. Eric Stenstrom Gad Saad MV Nepomuceno, Z Mendenhall | | |