Design of water supply pipe networks PK Swamee, AK Sharma John Wiley & Sons, 2008 | 349 | 2008 |
Urban drainage system planning and design–challenges with climate change and urbanization: a review Z Yazdanfar, A Sharma Water Science and Technology 72 (2), 165-179, 2015 | 193 | 2015 |
Feasibility study on the application of advanced oxidation technologies for decentralised wastewater treatment MN Chong, AK Sharma, S Burn, CP Saint Journal of Cleaner Production 35, 230-238, 2012 | 165 | 2012 |
Water sensitive urban design: An investigation of current systems, implementation drivers, community perceptions and potential to supplement urban water services AK Sharma, D Pezzaniti, B Myers, S Cook, G Tjandraatmadja, P Chacko, ... Water 8 (7), 272, 2016 | 146 | 2016 |
Role of decentralised systems in the transition of urban water systems A Sharma, S Burn, T Gardner, A Gregory Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 10 (4), 577-583, 2010 | 136 | 2010 |
Environmental and economic assessment of urban water services for a greenfield development AK Sharma, AL Grant, T Grant, F Pamminger, L Opray Environmental Engineering Science 26 (5), 921-934, 2009 | 133 | 2009 |
An overview of hybrid water supply systems in the context of urban water management: Challenges and opportunities M Sapkota, M Arora, H Malano, M Moglia, A Sharma, B George, ... Water 7 (1), 153-174, 2014 | 128 | 2014 |
Alternative water resources for rural residential development in Western Australia Y Zhang, A Grant, A Sharma, D Chen, L Chen Water resources management 24, 25-36, 2010 | 119 | 2010 |
Smart meter enabled water end-use demand data: platform for the enhanced infrastructure planning of contemporary urban water supply networks TR Gurung, RA Stewart, CD Beal, AK Sharma Journal of Cleaner Production 87, 642-654, 2015 | 116 | 2015 |
Smart meters for enhanced water supply network modelling and infrastructure planning TR Gurung, RA Stewart, AK Sharma, CD Beal Resources, conservation and recycling 90, 34-50, 2014 | 112 | 2014 |
Communal rainwater tank systems design and economies of scale TR Gurung, A Sharma Journal of Cleaner Production 67, 26-36, 2014 | 100 | 2014 |
Assessing integrated water management options for urban developments–Canberra case study AK Sharma, S Gray, C Diaper, P Liston, C Howe Urban Water Journal 5 (2), 147-159, 2008 | 95 | 2008 |
Serum transferrin receptor assay in iron deficiency anaemia and anaemia of chronic disease in the elderly E Chua, JE Clague, AK Sharma, MA Horan, M Lombard Qjm 92 (10), 587-594, 1999 | 85 | 1999 |
Evaluation of plumbed rainwater tanks in households for sustainable water resource management: a real-time monitoring study S Umapathi, MN Chong, AK Sharma Journal of Cleaner Production 42, 204-214, 2013 | 82 | 2013 |
Impediments and constraints in the uptake of water sensitive urban design measures in greenfield and infill developments AK Sharma, S Cook, G Tjandraatmadja, A Gregory Water Science and Technology 65 (2), 340-352, 2012 | 79 | 2012 |
Risks and tensions in water industry innovation: understanding adoption of decentralised water systems from a socio-technical transitions perspective G Quezada, A Walton, A Sharma Journal of Cleaner Production 113, 263-273, 2016 | 77 | 2016 |
Decentralised systems–definition and drivers in the current context AK Sharma, G Tjandraatmadja, S Cook, T Gardner Water Science and Technology 67 (9), 2091-2101, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Smart meter enabled informatics for economically efficient diversified water supply infrastructure planning TR Gurung, RA Stewart, CD Beal, AK Sharma Journal of cleaner production 135, 1023-1033, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Evaluation of alternative water sources for commercial buildings: A case study in Brisbane, Australia S Cook, AK Sharma, TR Gurung Resources, Conservation and Recycling 89, 86-93, 2014 | 69 | 2014 |
Impact of water source management practices in residential areas on sewer networks–a review N Marleni, S Gray, A Sharma, S Burn, N Muttil Water Science and Technology 65 (4), 624-642, 2012 | 66 | 2012 |