Плоские задачи термоупругости для тел с трещинами GS Kit, MG Krivt︠s︡un, IA Podstrigach (No Title), 1983 | 95 | 1983 |
Method of Potentials in Three-Dimensional Problems of Thermoelasticity for Cracked Bodies GS Kit, MV Khai Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1989 | 63 | 1989 |
Напряженно-деформированное состояние и предельное равновесие оболочек с разрезами ВА Осадчук Наукова думка, 1985 | 61 | 1985 |
Метод потенциалов в трехмерных задачах термоупругости тел с трещинами ГС Кит, МВ Хай Наукова думка, 1989 | 59 | 1989 |
Plane problems of thermoelasticity for bodies with cracks GS Kit, MG Krivtsun Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1983 | 55 | 1983 |
Elastodynamic scattering from a thin-walled inclusion of low rigidity HS Kit, YI Kunets, VF Yemets International journal of engineering science 37 (3), 331-345, 1999 | 53 | 1999 |
Analysis of dynamic stress concentration in an infinite body with parallel penny-shaped cracks by BIEM HS Kit, MV Khaj, VV Mykhas' kiv Engineering fracture mechanics 55 (2), 191-207, 1996 | 47 | 1996 |
The effect of a fluid in the contact gap on the stress state of conjugate bodies GS Kit, RM Martynyak, IM Machishin International applied mechanics 39 (3), 292-299, 2003 | 34 | 2003 |
Analysis of the steady oscillations of a plane absolutely rigid inclusion in a three-dimensional elastic body by the boundary element method HS Kit, VV Mykhas' skiv, OM Khaj Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 66 (5), 817-824, 2002 | 29 | 2002 |
Нестационарные процессы в телах с дефектами типа трещин GS Kit, OV Poberežnyj Наукова Думка, 1992 | 26 | 1992 |
The potential method in three-dimensional problems of thermoelasticity of bodies with cracks GS Kit, MV Khai Ukraine: Naukova Dumka, 1989 | 25 | 1989 |
The Method of Potentials in Three-Dimensional Thermoelastic Problems for Cracked Bodies GS Kit, MV Khai Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1989 | 23 | 1989 |
Взаимодействие стационарной волны с тонким дискообразным включением малой жесткости в упругом теле ГС Кит, ЯИ Кунец, ВВ Михаськив Известия Российской академии наук. Механика твердого тела, 82-82, 2004 | 22 | 2004 |
Анализ установившихся колебаний плоского абсолютно жесткого включения в трехмерном упругом теле методом граничных элементов ГС Кит, ВВ Михаськив, ОМ Хай Прикл. математика и механика.–2002.–66, 855-863, 2002 | 22 | 2002 |
Interaction of time-harmonic SH waves with a crack-like inclusion: edge region analysis VF Emets, HS Kit, YI Kunets International journal of fracture 94, 51-62, 1998 | 22 | 1998 |
Nonstationary processes in bodies with cracklike defects GS Kit, OV Poberezhnyi Kiev, Ukraine: Naukova Dumka (in Russian), 1992 | 20 | 1992 |
Plane Thermoelastic Problems for Bodies with Cracks GS Kit, MG Krivtsun Kiev: Naukova Dumka 108, 1983 | 19 | 1983 |
Two-dimensional Problems of Thermoelasticity for Bodies with Cracks GS Kit, MG Krivtsun Naukova Dumka, 1983 | 19 | 1983 |
Axially symmetric problems of stationary heat conduction and thermoelasticity for a body with thermally active or thermally insulated disk inclusion (crack) HS Kit, OP Sushko Journal of Mathematical Sciences 176, 561-577, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
Interaction of a stationary wave with a thin low stiffness penny-shaped inclusion in an elastic body GS Kit, YI Kunets, VV Mikhas' kiv MECHANICS OF SOLIDS C/C OF INZHENERNYI ZHURNAL MEKHANIKA TVERDOGO TELA THEN …, 2004 | 17* | 2004 |