The present and future of microplastic pollution in the marine environment JAI do Sul, MF Costa Environmental pollution 185, 352-364, 2014 | 1852 | 2014 |
The geological cycle of plastics and their use as a stratigraphic indicator of the Anthropocene J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, JAI Do Sul, PL Corcoran, AD Barnosky, ... Anthropocene 13, 4-17, 2016 | 934 | 2016 |
The Working Group on the Anthropocene: Summary of evidence and interim recommendations J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, CP Summerhayes, AP Wolfe, AD Barnosky, ... Anthropocene 19, 55-60, 2017 | 541 | 2017 |
Plastic debris ingestion by marine catfish: an unexpected fisheries impact FE Possatto, M Barletta, MF Costa, JAI do Sul, DV Dantas Marine pollution bulletin 62 (5), 1098-1102, 2011 | 538 | 2011 |
On the importance of size of plastic fragments and pellets on the strandline: a snapshot of a Brazilian beach MF Costa, JA Ivar do Sul, JS Silva-Cavalcanti, MCB Araújo, Â Spengler, ... Environmental monitoring and assessment 168, 299-304, 2010 | 447 | 2010 |
Global research priorities to mitigate plastic pollution impacts on marine wildlife AC Vegter, M Barletta, C Beck, J Borrero, H Burton, ML Campbell, ... Endangered Species Research 25 (3), 225-247, 2014 | 415 | 2014 |
Is marine debris ingestion still a problem for the coastal marine biota of southern Brazil? PS Tourinho, JAI do Sul, G Fillmann Marine Pollution Bulletin 60 (3), 396-401, 2010 | 407 | 2010 |
Marine debris review for Latin America and the wider Caribbean region: from the 1970s until now, and where do we go from here? JAI do Sul, MF Costa Marine Pollution Bulletin 54 (8), 1087-1104, 2007 | 372 | 2007 |
Stratigraphic and Earth System approaches to defining the Anthropocene W Steffen, R Leinfelder, J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, M Williams, ... Earth's Future 4 (8), 324-345, 2016 | 320 | 2016 |
Here, there and everywhere. Small plastic fragments and pellets on beaches of Fernando de Noronha (Equatorial Western Atlantic) JAI do Sul, Â Spengler, MF Costa Marine pollution bulletin 58 (8), 1236-1238, 2009 | 315 | 2009 |
Scale and diversity of the physical technosphere: A geological perspective J Zalasiewicz, M Williams, CN Waters, AD Barnosky, J Palmesino, ... The Anthropocene Review 4 (1), 9-22, 2017 | 312 | 2017 |
Marine debris contamination along undeveloped tropical beaches from northeast Brazil IR Santos, AC Friedrich, JA Ivar do Sul Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 148, 455-462, 2009 | 286 | 2009 |
Plastic pollution in islands of the Atlantic Ocean RCP Monteiro, JAI do Sul, MF Costa Environmental Pollution 238, 103-110, 2018 | 280 | 2018 |
Plastic debris retention and exportation by a mangrove forest patch JAI do Sul, MF Costa, JS Silva-Cavalcanti, MCB Araújo Marine pollution bulletin 78 (1-2), 252-257, 2014 | 250 | 2014 |
Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Anthropocene Series: Where and how to look for potential candidates CN Waters, J Zalasiewicz, C Summerhayes, IJ Fairchild, NL Rose, ... Earth-Science Reviews 178, 379-429, 2018 | 221 | 2018 |
Pelagic microplastics around an archipelago of the Equatorial Atlantic JAI do Sul, MF Costa, M Barletta, FJA Cysneiros Marine pollution bulletin 75 (1-2), 305-309, 2013 | 216 | 2013 |
Microplastics in the pelagic environment around oceanic islands of the Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean JA Ivar do Sul, MF Costa, G Fillmann Water, air, & soil pollution 225, 1-13, 2014 | 202 | 2014 |
The Anthropocene: Comparing its meaning in geology (chronostratigraphy) with conceptual approaches arising in other disciplines J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, EC Ellis, MJ Head, D Vidas, W Steffen, ... Earth's Future 9 (3), e2020EF001896, 2021 | 185 | 2021 |
Making the case for a formal Anthropocene Epoch: an analysis of ongoing critiques J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, AP Wolfe, AD Barnosky, A Cearreta, ... | 164 | 2017 |
In situ ingestion of microfibres by meiofauna from sandy beaches F Gusmão, M Di Domenico, ACZ Amaral, A Martínez, BC Gonzalez, ... Environmental Pollution 216, 584-590, 2016 | 110 | 2016 |