A digital acoustic recording tag for measuring the response of wild marine mammals to sound MP Johnson, PL Tyack IEEE journal of oceanic engineering 28 (1), 3-12, 2003 | 1065 | 2003 |
Responses of cetaceans to anthropogenic noise DP Nowacek, LH Thorne, DW Johnston, PL Tyack Mammal Review 37 (2), 81-115, 2007 | 973 | 2007 |
Estimating animal population density using passive acoustics TA Marques, L Thomas, SW Martin, DK Mellinger, JA Ward, DJ Moretti, ... Biological reviews 88 (2), 287-309, 2013 | 739 | 2013 |
Extreme diving of beaked whales PL Tyack, M Johnson, NA Soto, A Sturlese, PT Madsen Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (21), 4238-4253, 2006 | 630 | 2006 |
Wind turbine underwater noise and marine mammals: implications of current knowledge and data needs PT Madsen, M Wahlberg, J Tougaard, K Lucke, P Tyack Marine ecology progress series 309, 279-295, 2006 | 621 | 2006 |
Understanding the impacts of anthropogenic sound on beaked whales TM Cox, TJ Ragen, AJ Read, E Vos, RW Baird, K Balcomb, J Barlow, ... J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 7 (3), 177-187, 2005 | 619 | 2005 |
Measuring acoustic habitats ND Merchant, KM Fristrup, MP Johnson, PL Tyack, MJ Witt, P Blondel, ... Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (3), 257-265, 2015 | 562 | 2015 |
Beaked whales echolocate on prey M Johnson, PT Madsen, WMX Zimmer, N Aguilar de Soto, PL Tyack Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004 | 558 | 2004 |
Animal social complexity: intelligence, culture, and individualized societies FBM De Waal, PL Tyack Harvard University Press, 2003 | 552 | 2003 |
Review of the Signature-Whistle Hypothesis for the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin 10 MC Caldwell, DK Caldwell, PL Tyack The bottlenose dolphin, 199, 2012 | 546 | 2012 |
Deep‐diving foraging behaviour of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) SL Watwood, PJO Miller, M Johnson, PT Madsen, PL Tyack Journal of Animal Ecology 75 (3), 814-825, 2006 | 528 | 2006 |
Cetacean societies: field studies of dolphins and whales J Mann University of Chicago Press, 2000 | 514 | 2000 |
Interactions between singing Hawaiian humpback whales and conspecifics nearby P Tyack Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 8, 105-116, 1981 | 499 | 1981 |
Marine mammal noise exposure criteria: Updated scientific recommendations for residual hearing effects BL Southall, JJ Finneran, C Reichmuth, PE Nachtigall, DR Ketten, ... Aquatic Mammals 45 (2), 125-232, 2019 | 496 | 2019 |
The 20‐Hz signals of finback whales (Balaenoptera physalus) WA Watkins, P Tyack, KE Moore, JE Bird The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 82 (6), 1901-1912, 1987 | 485 | 1987 |
Male competition in large groups of wintering humpback whales P Tyack, H Whitehead Behaviour, 132-154, 1982 | 466 | 1982 |
Implications for marine mammals of large-scale changes in the marine acoustic environment PL Tyack Journal of Mammalogy 89 (3), 549-558, 2008 | 456 | 2008 |
Beaked whales respond to simulated and actual navy sonar PL Tyack, WMX Zimmer, D Moretti, BL Southall, DE Claridge, JW Durban, ... PloS one 6 (3), e17009, 2011 | 422 | 2011 |
Whale songs lengthen in response to sonar PJO Miller, N Biassoni, A Samuels, PL Tyack Nature 405 (6789), 903-903, 2000 | 422 | 2000 |
Signature whistles of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus: stability and mother-offspring comparisons LS Sayigh, PL Tyack, RS Wells, MD Scott Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 26, 247-260, 1990 | 403 | 1990 |