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Dina Sadykova
Dina Sadykova
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Identification of novel risk loci, causal insights, and heritable risk for Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies
MA Nalls, C Blauwendraat, CL Vallerga, K Heilbron, S Bandres-Ciga, ...
The Lancet Neurology 18 (12), 1091-1102, 2019
First direct measurements of behavioural responses by Cuvier's beaked whales to mid-frequency active sonar
SL DeRuiter, BL Southall, J Calambokidis, WMX Zimmer, D Sadykova, ...
Biology letters 9 (4), 20130223, 2013
Penetrance of Parkinson's Disease in LRRK2 p.G2019S Carriers Is Modified by a Polygenic Risk Score
H Iwaki, C Blauwendraat, MB Makarious, S Bandrés‐Ciga, HL Leonard, ...
Movement Disorders 35 (5), 774-780, 2020
Hidden Markov models reveal complexity in the diving behaviour of short-finned pilot whales
NJ Quick, S Isojunno, D Sadykova, M Bowers, DP Nowacek, AJ Read
Scientific reports 7 (1), 45765, 2017
Bayesian joint models with INLA exploring marine mobile predator-prey and competitor species habitat overlap
D Sadykova, BE Scott, MD Dominicis, SL Wakelin, A Sadykov, J Wolf
Ecology and Evolution, 1-15, 2017
Quantifying large‐scale ecosystem stability with remote sensing data
HJ White, W Gaul, D Sadykova, L León‐Sánchez, P Caplat, ...
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 6 (3), 354-365, 2020
Dose response severity functions for acoustic disturbance in cetaceans using recurrent event survival analysis
CM Harris, D Sadykova, SL DeRuiter, PL Tyack, PJO Miller, ...
Ecosphere 6 (11), 1-14, 2015
Population estimates from aerial photographic surveys of naturally and variably marked bowhead whales
T Schweder, D Sadykova, D Rugh, W Koski
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 15, 1-19, 2010
Effects of a scientific echo sounder on the behavior of short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
N Quick, L Scott-Hayward, D Sadykova, D Nowacek, A Read
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (5), 716-726, 2017
Individual, ecological, and anthropogenic influences on activity budgets of long-finned pilot whales
CMH S Isojunno, D Sadykova, S DeRuiter, C Cure, F Visser, L Thomas, PJO Miller
Ecosphere 8 (12), 2017
Ecological costs of climate change on marine predator–prey population distributions by 2050
D Sadykova, BE Scott, M De Dominicis, SL Wakelin, J Wolf, A Sadykov
Ecology and Evolution, 2020
Statistical estimation of the position of an apex: application to the geological record
A Owen, PE Jupp, GJ Nichols, AJ Hartley, GS Weissmann, D Sadykova
Journal of Sedimentary Research 85 (2), 142-152, 2015
Data quantity is more important than its spatial bias for predictive species distribution modelling
W Gaul, D Sadykova, HJ White, L Leon-Sanchez, P Caplat, ...
PeerJ 8, e10411, 2020
Assessing the importance of self-regulating mechanisms in diamondback moth population dynamics: Application of discrete mathematical models
LV Nedorezov, BL Löhr, DL Sadykova
Journal of Theoretical Biology 254 (3), 587-593, 2008
Green oak leaf roller moth dynamics: An application of discrete time mathematical models
LV Nedorezov, DL Sadykova
Ecological Modelling 212 (1-2), 162-170, 2008
Dynamics of larch bud moth populations: application of Moran–Ricker models with time lag
LV Nedorezov, DL Sadykova
Ecological Modelling 297, 26-32, 2015
К проблеме выбора математической модели динамики популяции (на примере зелёной дубовой листовёртки)
ЛВ Недорезов, ДЛ Садыкова
Евразиатский энтомологический журнал 4 (4), 263-272, 2005
The challenges of analyzing behavioral response study data: an overview of the MOCHA (Multi-study OCean Acoustics Human Effects Analysis) project
CM Harris, L Thomas, D Sadykova, SL DeRuiter, PL Tyack, BL Southall, ...
The effects of noise on aquatic life II, 399-407, 2016
Modelling crayfish population dynamics using catch data: a size-structured model
D Sadykova, J Skurdal, A Sadykov, T Taugbol, DO Hessen
Ecological Modelling 220 (20), 2727-2733, 2009
Larch bud moth dynamics: can we explain periodicity of population fluctuations by the time lag dependence in birth rate?
DL Sadykova, LV Nedorezov
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