From poly-victimization to poly-strengths: Understanding the web of violence can transform research on youth violence and illuminate the path to prevention and resilience S Hamby, E Taylor, L Jones, KJ Mitchell, HA Turner, C Newlin Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33 (5), 719-739, 2018 | 103 | 2018 |
Poly-victimization, trauma, and resilience: Exploring strengths that promote thriving after adversity S Hamby, E Taylor, K Mitchell, L Jones, C Newlin Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 21 (3), 376-395, 2020 | 88 | 2020 |
Not all behind closed doors: Examining bystander involvement in intimate partner violence E Taylor, V Banyard, J Grych, S Hamby Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34 (18), 3915-3935, 2019 | 70 | 2019 |
Digital poly-victimization: The increasing importance of online crime and harassment to the burden of victimization S Hamby, Z Blount, A Smith, L Jones, K Mitchell, E Taylor Polyvictimization, 112-128, 2020 | 63 | 2020 |
The effect of gender of perpetrator and victim on perceptions of psychological and physical intimate partner aggression GS Hammock, DS Richardson, KB Lamm, E Taylor, L Verlaque Journal of Family Violence 32 (3), 357-365, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
Applying the dual factor model of mental health to understanding protective factors in adolescence J Grych, E Taylor, V Banyard, S Hamby American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 90 (4), 458-467, 2020 | 52 | 2020 |
Privacy at the margins| technology in rural Appalachia: cultural strategies of resistance and navigation S Hamby, E Taylor, A Smith, K Mitchell, L Jones International Journal of Communication 12, 21, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
New measures to assess the social ecology of youth: A mixed-methods study S Hamby, E Taylor, A Smith, K Mitchell, L Jones, C Newlin Journal of Community Psychology 47 (7), 1666-1681, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
A dual-factor model of posttraumatic responses: Which is better, high posttraumatic growth or low symptoms? S Hamby, E Taylor, A Segura, M Weber Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 14 (S1), S148-S156, 2022 | 32 | 2022 |
Narrative writing exercises for promoting health among adolescents: Promises and pitfalls E Taylor, EN Jouriles, R Brown, K Goforth, V Banyard Psychology of Violence 6 (1), 57-63, 2016 | 32 | 2016 |
Health-related quality of life among adolescents as a function of victimization, other adversities, and strengths S Hamby, E Taylor, K Mitchell, L Jones, C Newlin Journal of Pediatric Nursing 50, 46-53, 2020 | 28 | 2020 |
Polyvictimization, polystrengths, and their contribution to subjective well-being and posttraumatic growth. M Brooks, E Taylor, S Hamby Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy 16 (3), 496, 2024 | 15 | 2024 |
Meaning making in rural Appalachia: Age and gender patterns in seven measures of meaning S Hamby, A Segura, E Taylor, J Grych, V Banyard Journal of Happiness and Well-being 5 (2), 168-186, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Families, poly-victimization, & resilience portfolios: Understanding risk, vulnerability & protection across the span of childhood S Hamby, LT Roberts, E Taylor, M Hagler, W Kaczkowski Parenting and family processes in child maltreatment and intervention, 3-22, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Is it better to seek or to receive? A dual-factor model of social support S Hamby, E Taylor, K Mitchell, L Jones, C Newlin International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience 7, 5-17, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
A naturalistic study of narrative: Exploring the choice and impact of adversity versus other narrative topics. S Hamby, E Taylor, J Grych, V Banyard Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 8 (4), 477, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
The association of different cyber-victimization types with current psychological and health status in southern Appalachian communities S Hamby, Z Blount, E Taylor, K Mitchell, L Jones Violence and Victims 36 (2), 251-271, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Exploring strengths, psychological functioning and youth victimization among American Indians and Alaska Natives in four southern states K Schultz, E Taylor, S McKinney, S Hamby Child Abuse & Neglect 148, 106197, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
Health-related quality of life among American Indian and Alaska Native people: Exploring associations with adversities and psychosocial strengths S Hamby, K Schultz, E Taylor Health & Social Work 48 (2), 105-114, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
When support seekers encounter unsettling responses: A dual-factor approach SY Cheng, E Taylor, S Hamby Journal of Social Work 24 (2), 197-218, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |