Modelling nitrogen, primary production and oxygen in a Mediterranean lagoon. Impact of oysters farming and inputs from the watershed A Chapelle, A Ménesguen, JM Deslous-Paoli, P Souchu, N Mazouni, ... Ecological modelling 127 (2-3), 161-181, 2000 | 257 | 2000 |
Plastic ingestion by marine fish in the wild A Markic, JC Gaertner, N Gaertner-Mazouni, AA Koelmans Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 50 (7), 657-697, 2020 | 246 | 2020 |
Feeding rate of the oyster Crassostrea gigas in a natural planktonic community of the Mediterranean Thau Lagoon CDA Vaquer, T Lam-Höai, C Rougier, N Mazouni, J Lautier, Y Collos, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 205, 171-184, 2000 | 238 | 2000 |
Double trouble in the South Pacific subtropical gyre: Increased plastic ingestion by fish in the oceanic accumulation zone A Markic, C Niemand, JH Bridson, N Mazouni-Gaertner, JC Gaertner, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 136, 547-564, 2018 | 205 | 2018 |
Nutrient and oxygen exchanges at the water–sediment interface in a shellfish farming lagoon (Thau, France) N Mazouni, JC Gaertner, JM Deslous-Paoli, S Landrein, MG d'Oedenberg Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 205 (1-2), 91-113, 1996 | 136 | 1996 |
Composition of biofouling communities on suspended oyster cultures: an in situ study of their interactions with the water column N Mazouni, JC Gaertner, JM Deslous-Paoli Marine Ecology Progress Series 214, 93-102, 2001 | 125 | 2001 |
Gonad transcriptome analysis of pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera: identification of potential sex differentiation and sex determining genes V Teaniniuraitemoana, A Huvet, P Levy, C Klopp, E Lhuillier, ... BMC genomics 15, 1-20, 2014 | 124 | 2014 |
Biofouling impact on production and ecosystem functioning: a review for bivalve aquaculture E Lacoste, N Gaertner‐Mazouni Reviews in Aquaculture 7 (3), 187-196, 2015 | 102 | 2015 |
Spatial structure and habitat associations of demersal assemblages in the Gulf of Lions: a multicompartmental approach JC Gaertner, N Mazouni, R Sabatier, B Millet Marine Biology 135, 199-208, 1999 | 90 | 1999 |
Climate variability and massive mortalities challenge giant clam conservation and management efforts in French Polynesia atolls S Andréfouët, S Van Wynsberge, N Gaertner-Mazouni, C Menkes, ... Biological Conservation 160, 190-199, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Evidence of the bioaccumulation of ciguatoxins in giant clams (Tridacna maxima) exposed to Gambierdiscus spp. cells M Roué, HT Darius, S Picot, A Ung, J Viallon, N Gaertner-Mazouni, ... Harmful algae 57, 78-87, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Protective effect of Heliotropium foertherianum (Boraginaceae) folk remedy and its active compound, rosmarinic acid, against a Pacific ciguatoxin F Rossi, V Jullian, R Pawlowiez, S Kumar-Roiné, M Haddad, HT Darius, ... Journal of ethnopharmacology 143 (1), 33-40, 2012 | 63 | 2012 |
Assessing functional diversity: the influence of the number of the functional traits G Legras, N Loiseau, JC Gaertner, JC Poggiale, N Gaertner-Mazouni Theoretical Ecology 13 (1), 117-126, 2020 | 59 | 2020 |
Drivers of density for the exploited giant clam Tridacna maxima: a meta‐analysis S Van Wynsberge, S Andréfouët, N Gaertner‐Mazouni, CCC Wabnitz, ... Fish and Fisheries 17 (3), 567-584, 2016 | 59 | 2016 |
Influence of suspended oyster cultures on nitrogen regeneration in a coastal lagoon (Thau, France) N Mazouni Marine Ecology Progress Series 276, 103-113, 2004 | 59 | 2004 |
Relations milieu-ressources: impact de la conchyliculture sur un environnement lagunaire méditerranéen (Thau) JM Deslous-Paoli, P Souchu, N Mazouni, C Juge, F Dagault Oceanologica acta 21 (6), 831-843, 1998 | 53 | 1998 |
Influence of oyster culture on water column characteristics in a coastal lagoon (Thau, France) N Mazouni, JC Gaertner, JM Deslous-Paoli Oceans, Rivers and Lakes: Energy and Substance Transfers at Interfaces …, 1998 | 48 | 1998 |
Effect of temperature, food availability, and estradiol injection on gametogenesis and gender in the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera V Teaniniuraitemoana, M Leprêtre, P Levy, V Vanaa, S Parrad, ... Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology …, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
A multi-component analysis of species diversity of groundfish assemblages on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Lions (north-western Mediterranean Sea) B Mérigot, JA Bertrand, N Mazouni, C Manté, JP Durbec, JC Gaertner Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73 (1-2), 123-136, 2007 | 47 | 2007 |
Biofouling development and its effect on growth and reproduction of the farmed pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera E Lacoste, G Le Moullac, P Levy, Y Gueguen, N Gaertner-Mazouni Aquaculture 434, 18-26, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |