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344 2012 On the accuracy of the MB-pol many-body potential for water: Interaction energies, vibrational frequencies, and classical thermodynamic and dynamical properties from clusters … SK Reddy, SC Straight, P Bajaj, C Huy Pham, M Riera, DR Moberg, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (19), 2016
321 2016 Hydroxide solvation and transport in anion exchange membranes C Chen, YLS Tse, GE Lindberg, C Knight, GA Voth
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274 2016 Discovery of optimal zeolites for challenging separations and chemical transformations using predictive materials modeling P Bai, MY Jeon, L Ren, C Knight, MW Deem, M Tsapatsis, JI Siepmann
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125 2015 Hydrogen-Bond Topology and the Ice and Ice <?format ?>Proton-Ordering Phase Transitions SJ Singer, JL Kuo, TK Hirsch, C Knight, L Ojamäe, ML Klein
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118 2005 Molecular Origin of the Vibrational Structure of Ice Ih DR Moberg, SC Straight, C Knight, F Paesani
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91 2012 An analysis of hydrated proton diffusion in ab initio molecular dynamics YLS Tse, C Knight, GA Voth
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84 2017 Hydrogen bond topology and the ice VII/VIII and Ih/XI proton ordering phase transitions C Knight, SJ Singer, JL Kuo, TK Hirsch, L Ojamäe, ML Klein
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The Journal of chemical physics 154 (21), 2021
57 2021 Defining condensed phase reactive force fields from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations: The case of the hydrated excess proton C Knight, CM Maupin, S Izvekov, GA Voth
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49 2020 A reexamination of the ice III/IX hydrogen bond ordering phase transition C Knight, SJ Singer
The Journal of Chemical Physics 125 (6), 2006
45 2006 Optimal scheduling of in-situ analysis for large-scale scientific simulations P Malakar, V Vishwanath, T Munson, C Knight, M Hereld, S Leyffer, ...
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44 2015 Hydrogen bond ordering in ice V and the transition to ice XIII C Knight, SJ Singer
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