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Mathematical Association of America, 1996
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297 1997 Sobolev estimates for the -Neumann operator on domains in admitting a defining function that is plurisubharmonic on the boundary HP Boas, EJ Straube
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156 * 1991 Julius and Julia: Mastering the art of the Schwarz lemma HP Boas
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134 2000 Global regularity of the -Neumann problem: A survey of the -Sobolev theory HP Boas, EJ Straube
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115 * 1999 The Bergman kernel function: explicit formulas and zeroes H Boas, S Fu, E Straube
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108 1999 Equivalence of regularity for the Bergman projection and the -Neumann operator HP Boas, EJ Straube
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69 1995 Counterexample to the Lu Qi-Keng conjecture HP Boas
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55 1988 The Szegő projection: Sobolev estimates in regular domains HP Boas
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