An all-silicon passive optical diode L Fan, J Wang, LT Varghese, H Shen, B Niu, Y Xuan, AM Weiner, M Qi Science 335 (6067), 447-450, 2012 | 832 | 2012 |
Mode-locked dark pulse Kerr combs in normal-dispersion microresonators X Xue, Y Xuan, Y Liu, PH Wang, S Chen, J Wang, DE Leaird, M Qi, ... Nature Photonics 9 (9), 594-600, 2015 | 794 | 2015 |
A three-dimensional optical photonic crystal with designed point defects M Qi, E Lidorikis, PT Rakich, SG Johnson, JD Joannopoulos, EP Ippen, ... Nature 429 (6991), 538-542, 2004 | 658 | 2004 |
Ultrabroad-bandwidth arbitrary radiofrequency waveform generation with a silicon photonic chip-based spectral shaper MH Khan, H Shen, Y Xuan, L Zhao, S Xiao, DE Leaird, AM Weiner, M Qi Nature Photonics 4 (2), 117-122, 2010 | 501 | 2010 |
Programmable single-bandpass photonic RF filter based on Kerr comb from a microring X Xue, Y Xuan, HJ Kim, J Wang, DE Leaird, M Qi, AM Weiner Journal of Lightwave Technology 32 (20), 3557-3565, 2014 | 325 | 2014 |
Investigation of mode coupling in normal-dispersion silicon nitride microresonators for Kerr frequency comb generation Y Liu, Y Xuan, X Xue, PH Wang, S Chen, AJ Metcalf, J Wang, DE Leaird, ... optica 1 (3), 137-144, 2014 | 324 | 2014 |
Top-gated graphene field-effect-transistors formed by decomposition of SiC YQ Wu, PD Ye, MA Capano, Y Xuan, Y Sui, M Qi, JA Cooper, T Shen, ... Applied Physics Letters 92 (9), 2008 | 309 | 2008 |
Atomic-layer-deposited nanostructures for graphene-based nanoelectronics Y Xuan, YQ Wu, T Shen, M Qi, MA Capano, JA Cooper, PD Ye Applied Physics Letters 92 (1), 2008 | 305 | 2008 |
Normal‐dispersion microcombs enabled by controllable mode interactions X Xue, Y Xuan, PH Wang, Y Liu, DE Leaird, M Qi, AM Weiner Laser & Photonics Reviews 9 (4), L23-L28, 2015 | 299 | 2015 |
Direct soliton generation in microresonators C Bao, Y Xuan, JA Jaramillo-Villegas, DE Leaird, M Qi, AM Weiner Optics letters 42 (13), 2519-2522, 2017 | 297 | 2017 |
High-Q silicon nitride microresonators exhibiting low-power frequency comb initiation Y Xuan, Y Liu, LT Varghese, AJ Metcalf, X Xue, PH Wang, K Han, ... Optica 3 (11), 1171-1180, 2016 | 282 | 2016 |
Microresonator Kerr frequency combs with high conversion efficiency X Xue, PH Wang, Y Xuan, M Qi, AM Weiner Laser & Photonics Reviews 11 (1), 1600276, 2017 | 275 | 2017 |
High-order coherent communications using mode-locked dark-pulse Kerr combs from microresonators A Fülöp, M Mazur, A Lorences-Riesgo, ÓB Helgason, PH Wang, Y Xuan, ... Nature communications 9 (1), 1598, 2018 | 274 | 2018 |
50-GHz-spaced comb of high-dimensional frequency-bin entangled photons from an on-chip silicon nitride microresonator P Imany, JA Jaramillo-Villegas, OD Odele, K Han, DE Leaird, JM Lukens, ... Optics express 26 (2), 1825-1840, 2018 | 229 | 2018 |
Controlling evanescent waves using silicon photonic all-dielectric metamaterials for dense integration S Jahani, S Kim, J Atkinson, JC Wirth, F Kalhor, AA Noman, WD Newman, ... Nature communications 9 (1), 1893, 2018 | 225 | 2018 |
Microcomb-based true-time-delay network for microwave beamforming with arbitrary beam pattern control X Xue, Y Xuan, C Bao, S Li, X Zheng, B Zhou, M Qi, AM Weiner Journal of lightwave technology 36 (12), 2312-2321, 2018 | 223 | 2018 |
Large-scale nanoshaping of ultrasmooth 3D crystalline metallic structures H Gao, Y Hu, Y Xuan, J Li, Y Yang, RV Martinez, C Li, J Luo, M Qi, ... Science 346 (6215), 1352-1356, 2014 | 218 | 2014 |
Dispersion engineering and frequency comb generation in thin silicon nitride concentric microresonators S Kim, K Han, C Wang, JA Jaramillo-Villegas, X Xue, C Bao, Y Xuan, ... Nature communications 8 (1), 372, 2017 | 207 | 2017 |
Multiple-channel silicon micro-resonator based filters for WDM applications S Xiao, MH Khan, H Shen, M Qi Optics Express 15 (12), 7489-7498, 2007 | 205 | 2007 |
Thermal tuning of Kerr frequency combs in silicon nitride microring resonators X Xue, Y Xuan, C Wang, PH Wang, Y Liu, B Niu, DE Leaird, M Qi, ... Optics express 24 (1), 687-698, 2016 | 197 | 2016 |