Veterinary medicines in the environment ABA Boxall, LA Fogg, PA Blackwell, P Blackwell, P Kay, EJ Pemberton, ... Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology, 1-91, 2003 | 884 | 2003 |
Global synthesis and critical evaluation of pharmaceutical data sets collected from river systems SR Hughes, P Kay, LE Brown Environmental science & technology 47 (2), 661-677, 2013 | 878 | 2013 |
The sorption and transport of a sulphonamide antibiotic in soil systems ABA Boxall, P Blackwell, R Cavallo, P Kay, J Tolls Toxicology letters 131 (1-2), 19-28, 2002 | 610 | 2002 |
Impacts of anthropogenic activity on the ecology of class 1 integrons and integron-associated genes in the environment WH Gaze, L Zhang, NA Abdouslam, PM Hawkey, L Calvo-Bado, J Royle, ... The ISME journal 5 (8), 1253-1261, 2011 | 462 | 2011 |
Fate of veterinary antibiotics in a macroporous tile drained clay soil P Kay, PA Blackwell, ABA Boxall Environmental toxicology and chemistry 23 (5), 1136-1144, 2004 | 338 | 2004 |
Wastewater treatment plants as a source of microplastics in river catchments P Kay, R Hiscoe, I Moberley, L Bajic, N McKenna Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 20264-20267, 2018 | 311 | 2018 |
Prevalence of sulfonamide resistance genes in bacterial isolates from manured agricultural soils and pig slurry in the United Kingdom KG Byrne-Bailey, WH Gaze, P Kay, ABA Boxall, PM Hawkey, ... Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 53 (2), 696-702, 2009 | 258 | 2009 |
Ultrasonic extraction of veterinary antibiotics from soils and pig slurry with SPE clean-up and LC–UV and fluorescence detection PA Blackwell, HCH Lützhøft, HP Ma, B Halling-Sørensen, ABA Boxall, ... Talanta 64 (4), 1058-1064, 2004 | 255 | 2004 |
Transport of veterinary antibiotics in overland flow following the application of slurry to arable land P Kay, PA Blackwell, ABA Boxall Chemosphere 59 (7), 951-959, 2005 | 254 | 2005 |
The dissipation and transport of veterinary antibiotics in a sandy loam soil PA Blackwell, P Kay, ABA Boxall Chemosphere 67 (2), 292-299, 2007 | 236 | 2007 |
Prioritisation of veterinary medicines in the UK environment ABA Boxall, LA Fogg, P Kay, PA Blackwel, EJ Pemberton, A Croxford Toxicology letters 142 (3), 207-218, 2003 | 226 | 2003 |
Effects of agricultural conditions on the leaching behaviour of veterinary antibiotics in soils PA Blackwell, P Kay, R Ashauer, ABA Boxall Chemosphere 75 (1), 13-19, 2009 | 194 | 2009 |
Column studies to investigate the fate of veterinary antibiotics in clay soils following slurry application to agricultural land P Kay, PA Blackwell, ABA Boxall Chemosphere 60 (4), 497-507, 2005 | 194 | 2005 |
A lysimeter experiment to investigate the leaching of veterinary antibiotics through a clay soil and comparison with field data P Kay, PA Blackwell, ABA Boxall Environmental Pollution 134 (2), 333-341, 2005 | 178 | 2005 |
A review of the efficacy of contemporary agricultural stewardship measures for ameliorating water pollution problems of key concern to the UK water industry P Kay, AC Edwards, M Foulger Agricultural systems 99 (2-3), 67-75, 2009 | 173 | 2009 |
Widespread, routine occurrence of pharmaceuticals in sewage effluent, combined sewer overflows and receiving waters P Kay, SR Hughes, JR Ault, AE Ashcroft, LE Brown Environmental Pollution 220, 1447-1455, 2017 | 172 | 2017 |
The impact of peatland drain-blocking on dissolved organic carbon loss and discolouration of water; results from a national survey A Armstrong, J Holden, P Kay, B Francis, M Foulger, S Gledhill, ... Journal of Hydrology 381 (1-2), 112-120, 2010 | 171 | 2010 |
A critical analysis of regulated river ecosystem responses to managed environmental flows from reservoirs BR Gillespie, S Desmet, P Kay, MR Tillotson, LE Brown Freshwater Biology 60 (2), 410-425, 2015 | 132 | 2015 |
Review of veterinary medicines in the environment ABA Boxall, L Fogg, PA Blackwell, P Kay, EJ Pemberton Environment Agency, 2002 | 121 | 2002 |
Drain-blocking techniques on blanket peat: A framework for best practice A Armstrong, J Holden, P Kay, M Foulger, S Gledhill, AT McDonald, ... Journal of Environmental Management 90 (11), 3512-3519, 2009 | 120 | 2009 |