AD Model Builder: using automatic differentiation for statistical inference of highly parameterized complex nonlinear models DA Fournier, HJ Skaug, J Ancheta, J Ianelli, A Magnusson, MN Maunder, ... Optimization Methods and Software 27 (2), 233-249, 2012 | 2190 | 2012 |
Interpreting catch per unit effort data to assess the status of individual stocks and communities MN Maunder, JR Sibert, A Fonteneau, J Hampton, P Kleiber, SJ Harley Ices Journal of marine science 63 (8), 1373-1385, 2006 | 805 | 2006 |
MULTIFAN-CL: a length-based, age-structured model for fisheries stock assessment, with application to South Pacific albacore, Thunnus alalunga DA Fournier, J Hampton, JR Sibert Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 (9), 2105-2116, 1998 | 622 | 1998 |
MULTIFAN a likelihood-based method for estimating growth parameters and age composition from multiple length frequency data sets illustrated using data for southern bluefin … DA Fournier, JR Sibert, J Majkowski, J Hampton Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 47 (2), 301-317, 1990 | 470 | 1990 |
Biomass, size, and trophic status of top predators in the Pacific Ocean J Sibert, J Hampton, P Kleiber, M Maunder science 314 (5806), 1773-1776, 2006 | 343 | 2006 |
Physiological and behavioural thermoregulation in bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) KN Holland, RW Brill, RKC Chang, JR Sibert, DA Fournier Nature 358 (6385), 410-412, 1992 | 318 | 1992 |
The spawning frequency of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, from the South Pacific J HUNTER, BJ MACEWICZ Fishery Bulletin 84 (4), 1990 | 273 | 1990 |
An advection–diffusion–reaction model for the estimation of fish movement parameters from tagging data, with application to skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) JR Sibert, J Hampton, DA Fournier, PJ Bills Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 56 (6), 925-938, 1999 | 245 | 1999 |
Horizontal movements of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) near Hawaii determined by Kalman filter analysis of archival tagging data JR Sibert, MK Musyl, RW Brill Fisheries Oceanography 12 (3), 141-151, 2003 | 241 | 2003 |
Improving light‐based geolocation by including sea surface temperature A Nielsen, KA Bigelow, MK Musyl, JR Sibert Fisheries Oceanography 15 (4), 314-325, 2006 | 212 | 2006 |
Decline of Pacific tuna populations exaggerated? J Hampton, JR Sibert, P Kleiber, MN Maunder, SJ Harley Nature 434 (7037), E1-E2, 2005 | 189 | 2005 |
Improving light and temperature based geolocation by unscented Kalman filtering CH Lam, A Nielsen, JR Sibert Fisheries Research 91 (1), 15-25, 2008 | 178 | 2008 |
Mobility of tropical tunas and the implications for fisheries management J Sibert, J Hampton Marine Policy 27 (1), 87-95, 2003 | 158 | 2003 |
Parameter estimation for basin-scale ecosystem-linked population models of large pelagic predators: application to skipjack tuna I Senina, J Sibert, P Lehodey Progress in Oceanography 78 (4), 319-335, 2008 | 137 | 2008 |
State–space model for light-based tracking of marine animals A Nielsen, JR Sibert Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (8), 1055-1068, 2007 | 136 | 2007 |
Detritus-Based Food Webs: Exploitation by Juvenile Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) J Sibert, TJ Brown, MC Healey, BA Kask, RJ Naiman Science 196 (4290), 649-650, 1977 | 132 | 1977 |
Preliminary forecasts of Pacific bigeye tuna population trends under the A2 IPCC scenario P Lehodey, I Senina, J Sibert, L Bopp, B Calmettes, J Hampton, ... Progress in oceanography 86 (1-2), 302-315, 2010 | 126 | 2010 |
Detritus and Juvenile Salmon Production in the Nanaimo Estuary: II. Meiofauna Available as Food to Juvenile Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) JR Sibert Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada 36 (5), 497-503, 1979 | 119 | 1979 |
Vulnerability of oceanic fisheries in the tropical Pacific to climate change P Lehodey, J Hampton, RW Brill, S Nicol, I Senina, B Calmettes, ... Vulnerability of tropical Pacific fisheries and aquaculture to climate …, 2011 | 114 | 2011 |
Tagging and tracking of marine animals with electronic devices JL Nielsen, H Arrizabalaga, N Fragoso, A Hobday, M Lutcavage, J Sibert Springer Science & Business Media, 2009 | 111 | 2009 |