Transfer of training: A review and directions for future research TT Baldwin, JK Ford Personnel psychology 41 (1), 63-105, 1988 | 6723 | 1988 |
Training in organizations: Needs assessment, development, and evaluation IL Goldstein Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing Co, 1993 | 4478 | 1993 |
Application of cognitive, skill-based, and affective theories of learning outcomes to new methods of training evaluation. K Kraiger, JK Ford, E Salas Journal of applied psychology 78 (2), 311, 1993 | 3223 | 1993 |
The application of exploratory factor analysis in applied psychology: A critical review and analysis JK Ford, RC MacCallum, M Tait Personnel psychology 39 (2), 291-314, 1986 | 2754 | 1986 |
Transfer of training: A meta-analytic review BD Blume, JK Ford, TT Baldwin, JL Huang Journal of management 36 (4), 1065-1105, 2010 | 2438 | 2010 |
The relationship between work experience and job performance: A conceptual and meta‐analytic review MA Quińones, JK Ford, MS Teachout Personnel psychology 48 (4), 887-910, 1995 | 1308 | 1995 |
Relationships of goal orientation, metacognitive activity, and practice strategies with learning outcomes and transfer. JK Ford, EM Smith, DA Weissbein, SM Gully, E Salas Journal of applied psychology 83 (2), 218, 1998 | 1291 | 1998 |
Climate perceptions matter: a meta-analytic path analysis relating molar climate, cognitive and affective states, and individual level work outcomes. JZ Carr, AM Schmidt, JK Ford, RP DeShon Journal of applied psychology 88 (4), 605, 2003 | 1150 | 2003 |
Factors affecting the opportunity to perform trained tasks on the job JK Ford, MA Quinones, DJ Sego, JS Sorra Personnel psychology 45 (3), 511-527, 1992 | 1094 | 1992 |
Transfer of training: An updated review and analysis JK Ford, DA Weissbein Performance improvement quarterly 10 (2), 22-41, 1997 | 1005 | 1997 |
Process tracing methods: Contributions, problems, and neglected research questions JK Ford, N Schmitt, SL Schechtman, BM Hults, ML Doherty Organizational behavior and human decision processes 43 (1), 75-117, 1989 | 884 | 1989 |
100 years of training and development research: What we know and where we should go. BS Bell, SI Tannenbaum, JK Ford, RA Noe, K Kraiger Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (3), 305, 2017 | 765 | 2017 |
Differential effects of learner effort and goal orientation on two learning outcomes SL Fisher, JK Ford Personnel Psychology 51 (2), 397-420, 1998 | 723 | 1998 |
A meta-analysis of ratee race effects in performance ratings. K Kraiger, JK Ford Journal of applied psychology 70 (1), 56, 1985 | 715 | 1985 |
Learning within a learner control training environment: The interactive effects of goal orientation and metacognitive instruction on learning outcomes AM Schmidt, JK Ford Personnel psychology 56 (2), 405-429, 2003 | 590 | 2003 |
Building adaptive expertise: Implications for training design strategies. EM Smith, JK Ford, SWJ Kozlowski American Psychological Association, 1997 | 484 | 1997 |
Extending the social information processing perspective: New links to attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions MD Zalesny, JK Ford Organizational behavior and human decision processes 47 (2), 205-246, 1990 | 476 | 1990 |
Transfer of training 1988–2008: An updated review and agenda for future research TT Baldwin, JK Ford, BD Blume International review of industrial and organizational psychology, 41-70, 2009 | 427 | 2009 |
Transfer of training: The known and the unknown JK Ford, TT Baldwin, J Prasad Annual review of organizational psychology and organizational behavior 5 (1 …, 2018 | 415 | 2018 |
Emerging issues and new directions for training research RA Noe, JK Ford Research in personnel and human resources management 10, 345-384, 1992 | 336 | 1992 |