Density-functional theory and NiO photoemission spectra VI Anisimov, IV Solovyev, MA Korotin, MT Czyżyk, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 48 (23), 16929, 1993
2865 1993 Intermediate-spin state and properties of LaCoO 3 MA Korotin, SY Ezhov, IV Solovyev, VI Anisimov, DI Khomskii, ...
Physical Review B 54 (8), 5309, 1996
1021 1996 Corrected atomic limit in the local-density approximation and the electronic structure of d impurities in Rb IV Solovyev, PH Dederichs, VI Anisimov
Physical Review B 50 (23), 16861, 1994
885 1994 t 2 g versus all 3d localization in LaM O 3 perovskites (M= Ti–Cu): First-principles study I Solovyev, N Hamada, K Terakura
Physical Review B 53 (11), 7158, 1996
482 1996 Crucial role of the lattice distortion in the magnetism of LaMnO 3 I Solovyev, N Hamada, K Terakura
Physical review letters 76 (25), 4825, 1996
452 1996 Phase diagram of tetragonal manganites Z Fang, IV Solovyev, K Terakura
Physical review letters 84 (14), 3169, 2000
406 2000 Origin of orbital magnetization and magnetocrystalline anisotropy in TX ordered alloys (where T= Fe, Co and X= Pd, Pt) IV Solovyev, PH Dederichs, I Mertig
Physical Review B 52 (18), 13419, 1995
238 1995 Is Hund's second rule responsible for the orbital magnetism in solids? IV Solovyev, AI Liechtenstein, K Terakura
Physical Review Letters 80 (26), 5758, 1998
199 1998 Calculation of magneto-optical properties for 4f systems: LSDA+ Hubbard U results BN Harmon, VP Antropov, AI Liechtenstein, IV Solovyev, VI Anisimov
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 56 (11), 1521-1524, 1995
198 1995 First-principles study on electronic structures and phase stability of MnO and FeO under high pressure Z Fang, IV Solovyev, H Sawada, K Terakura
Physical Review B 59 (2), 762, 1999
181 1999 Screening of Coulomb interactions in transition metals IV Solovyev, M Imada
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (4), 045103, 2005
167 2005 Combining DFT and many-body methods to understand correlated materials IV Solovyev
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (29), 293201, 2008
146 2008 Spin-polarized relativistic linear-muffin-tin-orbital method: Volume-dependent electronic structure and magnetic moment of plutonium IV Solovyev, AI Liechtenstein, VA Gubanov, VP Antropov, OK Andersen
Physical Review B 43 (18), 14414, 1991
131 1991 Singlet semiconductor to ferromagnetic metal transition in FeSi VI Anisimov, SY Ezhov, IS Elfimov, IV Solovyev, TM Rice
Physical review letters 76 (10), 1735, 1996
126 1996 Effective single-particle potentials for MnO in light of interatomic magnetic interactions: Existing theories and perspectives IV Solovyev, K Terakura
Physical Review B 58 (23), 15496, 1998
118 1998 Magnetic spin origin of the charge-ordered phase in manganites IV Solovyev, K Terakura
Physical review letters 83 (14), 2825, 1999
115 1999 Electronic structure and stability of the ferrimagnetic ordering in double perovskites IV Solovyev
Physical Review B 65 (14), 144446, 2002
111 2002 Lattice distortion and magnetism of perovskite oxides IV Solovyev
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (5), 054412, 2006
99 2006 Zone boundary softening of the spin-wave dispersion in doped ferromagnetic manganites IV Solovyev, K Terakura
Physical review letters 82 (14), 2959, 1999
99 1999 Magnetic and electronic properties of Cr2Ge2Te6 monolayer by strain and electric-field engineering K Wang, T Hu, F Jia, G Zhao, Y Liu, IV Solovyev, AP Pyatakov, AK Zvezdin, ...
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