Pharmacological chaperones stabilize retromer to limit APP processing VJ Mecozzi, DE Berman, S Simoes, C Vetanovetz, MR Awal, VM Patel, ... Nature chemical biology 10 (6), 443-449, 2014 | 260 | 2014 |
Tau and other proteins found in Alzheimer’s disease spinal fluid are linked to retromer-mediated endosomal traffic in mice and humans S Simoes, JL Neufeld, G Triana-Baltzer, S Moughadam, EI Chen, ... Science translational medicine 12 (571), eaba6334, 2020 | 52 | 2020 |
An Alzheimer's disease-linked loss-of-function CLN5 variant impairs cathepsin D maturation, consistent with a retromer trafficking defect YH Qureshi, VM Patel, DE Berman, MJ Kothiya, JL Neufeld, B Vardarajan, ... Molecular and cellular biology 38 (20), e00011-18, 2018 | 44 | 2018 |
The neuronal retromer can regulate both neuronal and microglial phenotypes of Alzheimer's disease YH Qureshi, DE Berman, SE Marsh, RL Klein, VM Patel, S Simoes, ... Cell reports 38 (3), 2022 | 30 | 2022 |
First and second derivative spectrophotometric methods for determination of olanzapine in pharmaceutical formulation MP Vivek, AP Jigar, SH Shweta, R Sunil International Journal of ChemTech Research 2, 756-761, 2010 | 17 | 2010 |
Prodrug strategies for antihypertensives S S Dhaneshwar, M Sharma, V Patel, U Desai, J Bhojak Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 11 (18), 2299-2317, 2011 | 9 | 2011 |
Retromer repletion with AAV9-VPS35 restores endosomal function in the mouse hippocampus YH Qureshi, DE Berman, RL Klein, VM Patel, S Simoes, S Kannan, R Cox, ... bioRxiv, 618496, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Retromer combinatorials for gene-therapy across a spectrum of neurological diseases YH Qureshi, VM Patel, S Kannan, SD Waksal, GA Petsko, SA Small bioRxiv, 2020.09. 03.282327, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Antibiotic Resistance Genes: Boon or Bane? RMGVM Patel American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research 9 (2), 151-152, 2020 | | 2020 |
Alzheimer's Vulnerable Brain Region Relies on the VPS26b Retromer Core J Guo, L Buitrago, X Feng, M Kothiya, E Cortes, V Patel, D Berman, ... | | 2019 |