Các bài viết có thể truy cập công khai - Charlotte SonesonTìm hiểu thêm
Không có ở bất kỳ nơi nào: 4
Serum neurofilament light chain in early relapsing remitting MS is increased and correlates with CSF levels and with MRI measures of disease severity
J Kuhle, C Barro, G Disanto, A Mathias, C Soneson, G Bonnier, Ö Yaldizli, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 22 (12), 1550-1559, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation
Increased ex vivo antigen presentation profile of B cells in multiple sclerosis
A Mathias, G Perriard, M Canales, C Soneson, M Delorenzi, M Schluep, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 23 (6), 802-809, 2017
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation
Human cactin interacts with DHX8 and SRRM2 to assure efficient pre-mRNA splicing and sister chromatid cohesion
IMY Zanini, C Soneson, LE Lorenzi, CM Azzalin
Journal of cell science 130 (4), 767-778, 2017
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
Optimization of continuous in vivo DOPA production and studies on ectopic DA synthesis using rAAV5 vectors in Parkinsonian rats
T Björklund, H Hall, N Breysse, C Soneson, T Carlsson, RJ Mandel, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 111 (2), 355-367, 2009
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health
Có tại một số nơi: 60
The consensus molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer
J Guinney, R Dienstmann, X Wang, A De Reynies, A Schlicker, ...
Nature medicine 21 (11), 1350-1356, 2015
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, Research Foundation (Flanders), Worldwide …
Differential analyses for RNA-seq: transcript-level estimates improve gene-level inferences
C Soneson, MI Love, MD Robinson
F1000Research 4, 1521, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Orchestrating single-cell analysis with Bioconductor
RA Amezquita, ATL Lun, E Becht, VJ Carey, LN Carpp, L Geistlinger, ...
Nature methods 17 (2), 137-145, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, German Research Foundation, Cancer …
Distal and proximal colon cancers differ in terms of molecular, pathological, and clinical features
E Missiaglia, B Jacobs, G D'ario, AF Di Narzo, C Soneson, E Budinska, ...
Annals of oncology 25 (10), 1995-2001, 2014
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, Research Foundation (Flanders), Swiss …
A systematic performance evaluation of clustering methods for single-cell RNA-seq data
A Duò, MD Robinson, C Soneson
F1000Research 7, 1141, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Tximeta: Reference sequence checksums for provenance identification in RNA-seq
MI Love, C Soneson, PF Hickey, LK Johnson, NT Pierce, L Shepherd, ...
PLoS computational biology 16 (2), e1007664, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
muscat detects subpopulation-specific state transitions from multi-sample multi-condition single-cell transcriptomics data
HL Crowell, C Soneson, PL Germain, D Calini, L Collin, C Raposo, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 6077, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
A comprehensive examination of Nanopore native RNA sequencing for characterization of complex transcriptomes
C Soneson, Y Yao, A Bratus-Neuenschwander, A Patrignani, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3359, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences …
Observation weights unlock bulk RNA-seq tools for zero inflation and single-cell applications
K Van den Berge, F Perraudeau, C Soneson, MI Love, D Risso, JP Vert, ...
Genome biology 19, 1-17, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, Research Foundation (Flanders), European …
Long-lasting stem cell–like memory CD8+ T cells with a naïve-like profile upon yellow fever vaccination
SA Fuertes Marraco, C Soneson, L Cagnon, PO Gannon, M Allard, ...
Science translational medicine 7 (282), 282ra48-282ra48, 2015
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, Swiss Cancer League
Alignment and mapping methodology influence transcript abundance estimation
A Srivastava, L Malik, H Sarkar, M Zakeri, F Almodaresi, C Soneson, ...
Genome biology 21, 1-29, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Gordon and …
Essential guidelines for computational method benchmarking
LM Weber, W Saelens, R Cannoodt, C Soneson, A Hapfelmeier, ...
Genome biology 20, 1-12, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, Research Foundation (Flanders), German …
Isoform prefiltering improves performance of count-based methods for analysis of differential transcript usage
C Soneson, KL Matthes, M Nowicka, CW Law, MD Robinson
Genome biology 17, 1-15, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation
Swimming downstream: statistical analysis of differential transcript usage following Salmon quantification
MI Love, C Soneson, R Patro
F1000Research 7, 952, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Modulation of mTOR signalling triggers the formation of stem cell-like memory T cells
G Scholz, C Jandus, L Zhang, C Grandclément, IC Lopez-Mejia, ...
EBioMedicine 4, 50-61, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
stageR: a general stage-wise method for controlling the gene-level false discovery rate in differential expression and differential transcript usage
K Van den Berge, C Soneson, MD Robinson, L Clement
Genome biology 18, 1-14, 2017
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Research Foundation (Flanders)
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