Performance of ZrB2-Cu composite as an EDM electrode AK Khanra, BR Sarkar, B Bhattacharya, LC Pathak, MM Godkhindi Journal of materials processing technology 183 (1), 122-126, 2007 | 172 | 2007 |
Effect of pH on the combustion synthesis of nano-crystalline alumina powder LC Pathak, TB Singh, S Das, AK Verma, P Ramachandrarao Materials Letters 57 (2), 380-385, 2002 | 161 | 2002 |
Microstructure, tensile strength and wear behaviour of Al–Sc alloy K Venkateswarlu, LC Pathak, AK Ray, G Das, PK Verma, M Kumar, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 383 (2), 374-380, 2004 | 126 | 2004 |
Effect of citric acid on the synthesis of nano-crystalline yttria stabilized zirconia powders by nitrate–citrate process KA Singh, LC Pathak, SK Roy Ceramics International 33 (8), 1463-1468, 2007 | 123 | 2007 |
A review on the synthesis of Y–Ba–Cu-oxide powder LC Pathak, SK Mishra Superconductor Science and Technology 18 (9), R67, 2005 | 120 | 2005 |
Defect structures in zirconium diboride powder prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis SK Mishra, S Das, LC Pathak Materials Science and Engineering: A 364 (1-2), 249-255, 2004 | 115 | 2004 |
Effect of NaCl on the synthesis of TiB2 powder by a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis technique AK Khanra, LC Pathak, SK Mishra, MM Godkhindi Materials Letters 58 (5), 733-738, 2004 | 108 | 2004 |
Stabilization of intrinsic defects at high temperatures in ZnO nanoparticles by Ag modification RK Sahu, K Ganguly, T Mishra, M Mishra, RS Ningthoujam, SK Roy, ... Journal of colloid and interface science 366 (1), 8-15, 2012 | 93 | 2012 |
Study on influence of porosity, pore size, spatial and topological distribution of pores on microhardness of as plasma sprayed ceramic coatings R Venkataraman, G Das, SR Singh, LC Pathak, RN Ghosh, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 445, 269-274, 2007 | 92 | 2007 |
Carbothermal synthesis of nanocrystalline aluminum nitride powders LC Pathak, AK Ray, S Das, CS Sivaramakrishnan, P Ramachandrarao Journal of the American Ceramic Society 82 (1), 257-260, 1999 | 80 | 1999 |
Response of boride coating on the Ti-6Al-4V alloy to corrosion and fretting corrosion behavior in Ringer’s solution for bio-implant application S Bose, LC Pathak, R Singh Applied Surface Science 433, 1158-1174, 2018 | 74 | 2018 |
Corrosion behavior of titanium boride composite coating fabricated on commercially pure titanium in Ringer's solution for bioimplant applications B Sivakumar, R Singh, LC Pathak Materials Science and Engineering: C 48, 243-255, 2015 | 68 | 2015 |
Fabrication of TiN reinforced aluminium metal matrix composites through a powder metallurgical route AK Ray, K Venkateswarlu, SK Chaudhury, SK Das, BR Kumar, LC Pathak Materials Science and Engineering: A 338 (1-2), 160-165, 2002 | 67 | 2002 |
Role of surface roughness on corrosion and fretting corrosion behaviour of commercially pure titanium in Ringer’s solution for bio-implant application B Sivakumar, LC Pathak, R Singh Applied Surface Science 401, 385-398, 2017 | 66 | 2017 |
Microanalysis of debris formed during electrical discharge machining (EDM) AK Khanra, LC Pathak, MM Godkhindi Journal of materials science 42 (3), 872-877, 2007 | 61 | 2007 |
Effect of carbon and titanium carbide on sintering behaviour of zirconium diboride SK Mishra, LC Pathak Journal of Alloys and Compounds 465 (1-2), 547-555, 2008 | 58 | 2008 |
Double SHS of ZrB2 powder AK Khanra, LC Pathak, MM Godkhindi Journal of Materials Processing Technology 202 (1-3), 386-390, 2008 | 58 | 2008 |
Carbothermal synthesis of zirconium diboride (ZrB2) whiskers AK Khanra, LC Pathak, MM Godkhindi Advances in Applied Ceramics 106 (3), 155-160, 2007 | 56 | 2007 |
Surface and nanoindentation studies on nanocrystalline titanium diboride thin film deposited by magnetron sputtering SK Mishra, PKP Rupa, LC Pathak Thin Solid Films 515 (17), 6884-6889, 2007 | 51 | 2007 |
Effect of Heating Rates on the Synthesis of Al2O3–SiC Composites by the Self‐Propagating High‐Temperature Synthesis (SHS) Technique LC Pathak, D Bandyopadhyay, S Srikanth, SK Das, P Ramachandrarao Journal of the American Ceramic Society 84 (5), 915-920, 2001 | 50 | 2001 |