Transfusion thresholds and other strategies for guiding allogeneic red blood cell transfusion JL Carson, SJ Stanworth, N Roubinian, DA Fergusson, D Triulzi, C Doree, ... Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2016 | 1651 | 2016 |
The Indonesian Economy H Hill Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 1375 | 2000 |
Korea's globalization SS Kim Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 341 | 2000 |
Export-oriented industrialisation: The ASEAN experience M Ariff, H Hill Routledge, 2012 | 339 | 2012 |
Foreign investment and industrialization in Indonesia H Hill (No Title), 1988 | 337 | 1988 |
Indonesia's New Order: the dynamics of socio-economic transformation H Hill | 286 | 1994 |
The Indonesian economy in crisis: causes, consequences and lessons NA NA Springer, 2016 | 256 | 2016 |
The Philippine economy: development, policies, and challenges AM Balisacan, H Hill Oxford University Press, 2003 | 234 | 2003 |
Unity and diversity: Regional economic development in Indonesia since 1970 H Hill Oxford University Press, 1989 | 225 | 1989 |
SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN INDONESIA: Old Policy Challenges for a New Administration H Hill Asian survey 41 (2), 248-270, 2001 | 221 | 2001 |
Indonesia's changing economic geography H Hill, BP Resosudarmo, Y Vidyattama* Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 44 (3), 407-435, 2008 | 216 | 2008 |
Indonesia's industrial transformation H Hill Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1997 | 181 | 1997 |
The Asian financial crisis and the architecture of global finance GW Noble, J Ravenhill Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 163 | 2000 |
Foreign investment and East Asian economic development H Hill Asian‐Pacific Economic Literature 4 (2), 21-58, 1990 | 155 | 1990 |
Survey of recent developments H Hill Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 28 (2), 3-41, 1992 | 151 | 1992 |
Small enterprise and firm-level technical efficiency in the Indonesian garment industry H Hill, KP Kalirajan Applied Economics 25 (9), 1137-1144, 1993 | 149 | 1993 |
Southeast Asia's economic crisis: origins, lessons, and the way forward HW Arndt, H Hill Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1999 | 145 | 1999 |
Indonesia's industrial transformation part I H Hill Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 26 (2), 79-120, 1990 | 139 | 1990 |
What happens to industrial structure when countries liberalise? Indonesia since the mid‐1980s HH Aswicahyono, K Bird, H Hill The Journal of Development Studies 32 (3), 340-363, 1996 | 125 | 1996 |
Winners and losers during a deep economic crisis: firm‐level evidence from Indonesian manufacturing D Narjoko, H Hill Asian Economic Journal 21 (4), 343-368, 2007 | 122 | 2007 |