Theo dõi
Florent Jacquemard
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Trích dẫn bởi
Tree Automata Techniques and Applications
H Comon, M Dauchet, R Gilleron, C L\"oding, F Jacquemard, D Lugiez, ...
Available on: \url{}, 2007
Decidable approximations of term rewriting systems
F Jacquemard
International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 362-376, 1996
Compiling and verifying security protocols
F Jacquemard, M Rusinowitch, L Vigneron
International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence …, 2000
ASAP: a dataset of aligned scores and performances for piano transcription
F Foscarin, A Mcleod, P Rigaux, F Jacquemard, M Sakai
Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information …, 2020
Pumping, cleaning and symbolic constraints solving
AC Caron, H Comon, JL Coquidé, M Dauchet, F Jacquemard
Automata, Languages and Programming: 21st International Colloquium, ICALP 94 …, 1994
A theory of dictionary attacks and its complexity
S Delaune, F Jacquemard
Proceedings. 17th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, 2004., 2-15, 2004
A decision procedure for the verification of security protocols with explicit destructors
S Delaune, F Jacquemard
Proceedings of the 11th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2004
Ground reducibility is EXPTIME-complete
H Comon, F Jacquemard
Proceedings of Twelfth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 26-34, 1997
Unification in extensions of shallow equational theories
F Jacquemard, C Meyer, C Weidenbach
Rewriting Techniques and Applications: 9th International Conference, RTA-98 …, 1998
Rigid tree automata
F Jacquemard, F Klay, C Vacher
International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications …, 2009
Automatic verification of conformance of firewall configurations to security policies
NB Youssef, A Bouhoula, F Jacquemard
2009 ieee symposium on computers and communications, 526-531, 2009
Ground reducibility is EXPTIME-complete
H Comon, F Jacquemard
Information and Computation 187 (1), 123-153, 2003
Rigid tree automata and applications
F Jacquemard, F Klay, C Vacher
Information and Computation 209 (3), 486-512, 2011
The emptiness problem for tree automata with global constraints
L Barguñó, C Creus, G Godoy, F Jacquemard, C Vacher
2010 25th annual IEEE symposium on logic in computer science, 263-272, 2010
Correct automatic accompaniment despite machine listening or human errors in Antescofo
A Cont, J Echeveste, JL Giavitto, F Jacquemard
ICMC 2012-International Computer Music Conference, 2012
Automated induction with constrained tree automata
A Bouhoula, F Jacquemard
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 539-554, 2008
Tree automata with equality constraints modulo equational theories
F Jacquemard, M Rusinowitch, L Vigneron
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 557-571, 2006
Ground reducibility and automata with disequality constraints
H Comon, F Jacquemard
Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, 149-162, 1994
The confluence problem for flat TRSs
I Mitsuhashi, M Oyamaguch, F Jacquemard
Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation: 8th International …, 2006
Automates d'arbres et Réécriture de termes
F Jacquemard
University of Paris 11, 1996
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