Symmetrization in the geometric theory of functions of a complex variable VN Dubinin Russian Mathematical Surveys 49 (1), 1, 1994 | 250 | 1994 |
Симметризация в геометрической теории функций комплексного переменного ВН Дубинин Успехи математических наук 49 (1 (295), 3-76, 1994 | 207* | 1994 |
Condenser capacities and symmetrization in geometric function theory VN Dubinin Springer, 2014 | 205 | 2014 |
The Schwarz inequality on the boundary for functions regular in the disk VN Dubinin Journal of Mathematical Sciences 122, 3623-3629, 2004 | 137 | 2004 |
The separating transformation of domains and problems on the extremal partition VN Dubinin Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 168, 48-66, 1988 | 104* | 1988 |
Applications of the Schwarz lemma to inequalities for entire functions with constraints on zeros VN Dubinin Journal of Mathematical Sciences 143, 3069-3076, 2007 | 67 | 2007 |
The asymptotics of module of a degenerating condenser and some of its applications VN Dubinin Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 237, 56-73, 1997 | 59* | 1997 |
On the change in harmonic measure under symmetrization VN Dubinin Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 52 (1), 267, 1985 | 54 | 1985 |
Condenser Capacities and Symmetrization in the Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable VN Dubinin Dal’nauka, Vladivostok, 2009 | 53* | 2009 |
Capacities and geometric transformations of subsets inn-space VN Dubinin Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA 3 (4), 342-369, 1993 | 52 | 1993 |
The reduced module of the complex sphere VN Dubinin, LV Kovalev Journal of Mathematical Sciences 105, 2165-2179, 2001 | 47* | 2001 |
Conformal mappings and inequalities for algebraic polynomials VN Dubinin Algebra i Analiz 13 (5), 16-43, 2001 | 40* | 2001 |
Distortion theorems for polynomials on a circle VN Dubinin Sbornik: Mathematics 191 (12), 1797, 2000 | 40* | 2000 |
Method of symmetrization in the geometric theory of functions of a complex variable VN Dubinin Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 49, 3-76, 1994 | 40 | 1994 |
Bounded Holomorphic Functions Covering No Concentric Circles. V Dubinin Journal of Mathematical Sciences 207 (6), 2015 | 36 | 2015 |
Methods of geometric function theory in classical and modern problems for polynomials VN Dubinin Russian Mathematical Surveys 67 (4), 599, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Capacities of Condensers in the Geometric Theory of Functions VN Dubinin Far-East University, Vladivostok, 2003 | 34* | 2003 |
On an application of conformal maps to inequalities for rational functions VN Dubinin Izvestiya: Mathematics 66 (2), 285, 2002 | 30 | 2002 |
On conformal moduli of polygonal quadrilaterals VN Dubinin, M Vuorinen Israel Journal of Mathematics 171, 111-125, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Transformation of condensers in space VN Dubinin Doklady Akademii Nauk 296 (1), 18-20, 1987 | 28* | 1987 |