Diagnosis and management of Cornelia de Lange syndrome: first international consensus statement AD Kline, JF Moss, A Selicorni, AM Bisgaard, MA Deardorff, PM Gillett, ... Nature Reviews Genetics 19 (10), 649-666, 2018 | 397 | 2018 |
Functional characteristics of disruptive behavior in developmentally disabled children with and without autism RM Reese, DM Richman, JM Belmont, P Morse Journal of autism and developmental disorders 35, 419-428, 2005 | 209 | 2005 |
Use of component analyses to identify active variables in treatment packages for children with feeding disorders LJ Cooper, DP Wacker, JJ McComas, K Brown, SM Peck, D Richman, ... Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 28 (2), 139-153, 1995 | 207 | 1995 |
Response efficiency during functional communication training: Effects of effort on response allocation DM Richman, DP Wacker, L Winborn Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 34 (1), 73-76, 2001 | 176 | 2001 |
Choice‐making treatment of young children's severe behavior problems SM Peck, DP Wacker, WK Berg, LJ Cooper, KA Brown, D Richman, ... Journal of applied behavior analysis 29 (3), 263-290, 1996 | 166 | 1996 |
Predictors of access to sex education for children with intellectual disabilities in public schools L Barnard-Brak, M Schmidt, S Chesnut, T Wei, D Richman Mental Retardation 52 (2), 85-97, 2014 | 165 | 2014 |
Assessment of mand selection for functional communication training packages L Winborn, DP Wacker, DM Richman, J Asmus, D Geier Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 35 (3), 295-298, 2002 | 144 | 2002 |
Meta‐analysis of noncontingent reinforcement effects on problem behavior DM Richman, L Barnard‐Brak, L Grubb, A Bosch, L Abby Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 48 (1), 131-152, 2015 | 128 | 2015 |
Longitudinal assessment of stereotypic, proto‐injurious, and self-injurious behavior exhibited by young children with developmental delays DM Richman, SE Lindauer American Journal on Mental Retardation 110 (6), 439-450, 2005 | 122 | 2005 |
Evaluating the effects of functional communication training in the presence and absence of establishing operations KA Brown, DP Wacker, KM Derby, SM Peck, DM Richman, GM Sasso, ... Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 33 (1), 53-71, 2000 | 119 | 2000 |
A meta-analysis of the social communication questionnaire: Screening for autism spectrum disorder SR Chesnut, T Wei, L Barnard-Brak, DM Richman Autism 21 (8), 920-928, 2017 | 113 | 2017 |
Annotation: Early intervention and prevention of self‐injurious behaviour exhibited by young children with developmental disabilities DM Richman Journal of intellectual disability research 52 (1), 3-17, 2008 | 111 | 2008 |
Further analysis of problem behavior in response class hierarchies DM Richman, DP Wacker, JM Asmus, SD Casey, M Andelman Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 32 (3), 269-283, 1999 | 108 | 1999 |
Brief experimental analysis of stimulus prompts for accurate responding on academic tasks in an outpatient clinic JJ McComas, DP Wacker, LJ Cooper, JM Asmus, D Richman, B Stoner Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 29 (3), 397-401, 1996 | 108 | 1996 |
The effects of presession exposure to attention on the results of assessments of attention as a reinforcer WK Berg, S Peck, DP Wacker, J Harding, J McComas, D Richman, ... Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 33 (4), 463-477, 2000 | 103 | 2000 |
The tipping point: Value differences and parallel dorsal–ventral frontal circuits gating human approach–avoidance behavior MW Schlund, AT Brewer, SK Magee, DM Richman, S Solomon, ... Neuroimage 136, 94-105, 2016 | 101 | 2016 |
Risk factors for self-injury, aggression, and stereotyped behavior among young children at risk for intellectual and developmental disabilities SR Schroeder, JG Marquis, RM Reese, DM Richman, L Mayo-Ortega, ... American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities 119 (4), 351-370, 2014 | 93 | 2014 |
Individualizing functional assessments for children with autism: The contribution of perseverative behavior and sensory disturbances to disruptive behavior RM Reese, DM Richman, J Zarcone, T Zarcone Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 18 (2), 89-94, 2003 | 90 | 2003 |
Teaching skills related to self-employment to adults with developmental disabilities: An analog analysis WH Dotson, DM Richman, L Abby, S Thompson, A Plotner Research in Developmental Disabilities 34 (8), 2336-2350, 2013 | 82 | 2013 |
Predictors of self‐injurious behaviour exhibited by individuals with autism spectrum disorder DM Richman, L Barnard‐Brak, A Bosch, S Thompson, L Grubb, L Abby Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 57 (5), 429-439, 2013 | 79 | 2013 |