Effects of air pollutants on the transmission and severity of respiratory viral infections JL Domingo, J Rovira Environmental research 187, 109650, 2020 | 384 | 2020 |
Influence of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 on COVID-19 pandemic. A review JL Domingo, M Marquès, J Rovira Environmental research 188, 109861, 2020 | 294 | 2020 |
Human health risks due to exposure to inorganic and organic chemicals from textiles: A review J Rovira, JL Domingo Environmental Research 168, 62-69, 2019 | 282 | 2019 |
Air quality, health impacts and burden of disease due to air pollution (PM10, PM2. 5, NO2 and O3): Application of AirQ+ model to the Camp de Tarragona County (Catalonia, Spain) J Rovira, JL Domingo, M Schuhmacher Science of the total environment 703, 135538, 2020 | 206 | 2020 |
Human health risks of formaldehyde indoor levels: An issue of concern J Rovira, N Roig, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, JL Domingo Journal of environmental science and health, part a 51 (4), 357-363, 2016 | 158 | 2016 |
Human exposure to environmental pollutants after a tire landfill fire in Spain: Health risks M Nadal, J Rovira, J Díaz-Ferrero, M Schuhmacher, JL Domingo Environment international 97, 37-44, 2016 | 134 | 2016 |
Human exposure to trace elements through the skin by direct contact with clothing: risk assessment J Rovira, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, JL Domingo Environmental research 140, 308-316, 2015 | 116 | 2015 |
Microplastics levels, size, morphology and composition in marine water, sediments and sand beaches. Case study of Tarragona coast (western Mediterranean) N Expósito, J Rovira, J Sierra, J Folch, M Schuhmacher Science of The Total Environment 786, 147453, 2021 | 110 | 2021 |
Comparing dietary and non-dietary source contribution of BPA and DEHP to prenatal exposure: a Catalonia (Spain) case study MA Martínez, J Rovira, RP Sharma, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, V Kumar Environmental Research 166, 25-34, 2018 | 104 | 2018 |
Main components and human health risks assessment of PM10, PM2. 5, and PM1 in two areas influenced by cement plants F Sánchez-Soberón, J Rovira, M Mari, J Sierra, M Nadal, JL Domingo, ... Atmospheric Environment 120, 109-116, 2015 | 98 | 2015 |
Human biomonitoring to evaluate exposure to toxic and essential trace elements during pregnancy. Part A. concentrations in maternal blood, urine and cord blood. B Bocca, F Ruggieri, A Pino, J Rovira, G Calamandrei, MÁ Martínez, ... Environmental research 177, 108599, 2019 | 91 | 2019 |
Use of sewage sludge as secondary fuel in a cement plant: human health risks J Rovira, M Mari, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, JL Domingo Environment International 37 (1), 105-111, 2011 | 91 | 2011 |
Partial replacement of fossil fuel in a cement plant: risk assessment for the population living in the neighborhood J Rovira, M Mari, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, JL Domingo Science of the total environment 408 (22), 5372-5380, 2010 | 87 | 2010 |
Biomarkers of exposure in environment-wide association studies–Opportunities to decode the exposome using human biomonitoring data N Steckling, A Gotti, S Bose-O’Reilly, D Chapizanis, D Costopoulou, ... Environmental research 164, 597-624, 2018 | 83 | 2018 |
Health risks for the population living in the vicinity of an Integrated Waste Management Facility: Screening environmental pollutants JL Domingo, J Rovira, L Vilavert, M Nadal, MJ Figueras, M Schuhmacher Science of the Total Environment 518, 363-370, 2015 | 75 | 2015 |
Effects of air pollution on the potential transmission and mortality of COVID-19: a preliminary case-study in Tarragona Province (Catalonia, Spain) M Marquès, J Rovira, M Nadal, JL Domingo Environmental Research 192, 110315, 2021 | 71 | 2021 |
Environmental monitoring of metals, PCDD/Fs and PCBs as a complementary tool of biological surveillance to assess human health risks J Rovira, M Mari, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, JL Domingo Chemosphere 80 (10), 1183-1189, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
Bisphenol A analogues (BPS and BPF) present a greater obesogenic capacity in 3T3-L1 cell line MÁ Martínez, J Blanco, J Rovira, V Kumar, JL Domingo, M Schuhmacher Food and Chemical Toxicology 140, 111298, 2020 | 65 | 2020 |
Temporal trends in the levels of metals, PCDD/Fs and PCBs in the vicinity of a municipal solid waste incinerator. Preliminary assessment of human health risks J Rovira, L Vilavert, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, JL Domingo Waste Management 43, 168-175, 2015 | 65 | 2015 |
Concentrations of trace elements and PCDD/Fs around a municipal solid waste incinerator in Girona (Catalonia, Spain). Human health risks for the population living in the … J Rovira, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, JL Domingo Science of the Total Environment 630, 34-45, 2018 | 64 | 2018 |