Cyber security analysis of power networks by hypergraph cut algorithms Y Yamaguchi, A Ogawa, A Takeda, S Iwata
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (5), 2189-2199, 2015
41 2015 Maximizing time-decaying influence in social networks N Ohsaka, Y Yamaguchi, N Kakimura, K Kawarabayashi
Joint European conference on machine learning and knowledge discovery in …, 2016
35 2016 0/1/all CSPs, half-integral A-path packing, and linear-time FPT algorithms Y Iwata, Y Yamaguchi, Y Yoshida
2018 IEEE 59th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS …, 2018
28 2018 Packing -Paths in Group-Labelled Graphs via Linear Matroid Parity Y Yamaguchi
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 30 (1), 474-492, 2016
17 2016 List coloring of two matroids through reduction to partition matroids K Bérczi, T Schwarcz, Y Yamaguchi
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 35 (3), 2192-2209, 2021
16 2021 Packing non-zero A-paths via matroid matching S Tanigawa, Y Yamaguchi
Discrete Applied Mathematics 214, 169-178, 2016
16 2016 Stochastic packing integer programs with few queries T Maehara, Y Yamaguchi
Mathematical Programming 182 (1), 141-174, 2020
9 2020 Shortest disjoint S-paths via weighted linear matroid parity Y Yamaguchi
27th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2016), 63 …, 2016
9 2016 Finding a path with two labels forbidden in group-labeled graphs Y Kawase, Y Kobayashi, Y Yamaguchi
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 143, 65-122, 2020
7 2020 Finding a shortest non-zero path in group-labeled graphs Y Iwata, Y Yamaguchi
Combinatorica 42 (Suppl 2), 1253-1282, 2022
6 2022 Realizing symmetric set functions as hypergraph cut capacity Y Yamaguchi
Discrete Mathematics 339 (8), 2007-2017, 2016
6 2016 Dynamic programming approach to the generalized minimum Manhattan network problem Y Masumura, T Oki, Y Yamaguchi
Algorithmica 83 (12), 3681-3714, 2021
5 2021 Making bipartite graphs DM-irreducible K Bérczi, S Iwata, J Kato, Y Yamaguchi
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 32 (1), 560-590, 2018
4 2018 Linear-time FPT algorithms via half-integral non-returning A-path packing Y Iwata, Y Yamaguchi, Y Yoshida
CoRR, abs/1704.02700, 2017
4 2017 Multiple knapsack-constrained monotone DR-submodular maximization on distributive lattice: —Continuous Greedy Algorithm on Median Complex— T Maehara, S Nakashima, Y Yamaguchi
Mathematical Programming 194 (1), 85-119, 2022
3 2022 Subgame perfect equilibria of sequential matching games Y Kawase, Y Yamaguchi, Y Yokoi
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) 7 (4), 1-30, 2020
3 2020 Computing a subgame perfect equilibrium of a sequential matching game Y Kawase, Y Yamaguchi, Y Yokoi
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 131-148, 2018
3 2018 Finding a path in group-labeled graphs with two labels forbidden Y Kawase, Y Kobayashi, Y Yamaguchi
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 797-809, 2015
3 2015 Packing non-zero A-paths via matroid matching Y Yamaguchi, S Tanigawa
preprint, METR 8, 2013
3 2013 Piecewise sparse linear classification via factorized asymptotic bayesian inference R Fujimaki, Y Yamaguchi, R Eto
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 31 (6), 2016
2 2016