The relationship of emotional exhaustion to work attitudes, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors. R Cropanzano, DE Rupp, ZS Byrne Journal of Applied psychology 88 (1), 160, 2003 | 2516 | 2003 |
Moral virtues, fairness heuristics, social entities, and other denizens of organizational justice R Cropanzano, ZS Byrne, DR Bobocel, DE Rupp Journal of vocational behavior 58 (2), 164-209, 2001 | 2492 | 2001 |
The history of organizational justice: The founders speak ZS Byrne, R Cropanzano Justice in the workplace: From theory to practice 2 (1), 3-26, 2001 | 525 | 2001 |
Perceived organizational support and performance: Relationships across levels of organizational cynicism ZS Byrne, WA Hochwarter Journal of Managerial Psychology 23 (1), 54-72, 2008 | 492 | 2008 |
Fairness reduces the negative effects of organizational politics on turnover intentions, citizenship behavior and job performance ZS Byrne Journal of Business and Psychology 20, 175-200, 2005 | 454 | 2005 |
The struggle with employee engagement: Measures and construct clarification using five samples. ZS Byrne, JM Peters, JW Weston Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (9), 1201, 2016 | 375 | 2016 |
Understanding employee engagement: Theory, research, and practice ZS Byrne Routledge, 2022 | 352 | 2022 |
Purpose and meaning in the workplace. BJ Dik, ZS Byrne, MF Steger American Psychological Association, 2013 | 294* | 2013 |
Different media for organizational communication: Perceptions of quality and satisfaction ZS Byrne, E LeMay Journal of business and psychology 21, 149-173, 2006 | 216 | 2006 |
How interpersonal leadership relates to employee engagement A Hansen, Z Byrne, C Kiersch Journal of Managerial Psychology 29 (8), 953-972, 2014 | 206 | 2014 |
Workplace justice and the dilemma of organizational citizenship R Cropanzano, ZS Byrne Cooperation in modern society, 142-161, 2012 | 202 | 2012 |
How does organizational justice affect organizational citizenship behavior? RH Moorman, ZS Byrne Handbook of organizational justice, 355-380, 2013 | 198 | 2013 |
The future of HR is RH: Respect for humanity at work JN Cleveland, ZS Byrne, TM Cavanagh Human Resource Management Review 25 (2), 146-161, 2015 | 193 | 2015 |
The psychology of security for the home computer user AE Howe, I Ray, M Roberts, M Urbanska, Z Byrne 2012 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 209-223, 2012 | 192 | 2012 |
Is being authentic being fair? Multilevel examination of authentic leadership, justice, and employee outcomes CE Kiersch, ZS Byrne Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 22 (3), 292-303, 2015 | 169 | 2015 |
Alternatives to traditional mentoring in fostering career success ZS Byrne, BJ Dik, DS Chiaburu Journal of vocational behavior 72 (3), 429-442, 2008 | 154 | 2008 |
I get by with a little help from my friends: The interaction of chronic pain and organizational support on performance. ZS Byrne, WA Hochwarter Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 11 (3), 215, 2006 | 120 | 2006 |
The impact of formal and interactional procedures on organizational outcomes RM Malatesta, ZS Byrne 12th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational …, 1997 | 120 | 1997 |
The interactive effects of conscientiousness, work effort, and psychological climate on job performance ZS Byrne, J Stoner, KR Thompson, W Hochwarter Journal of Vocational Behavior 66 (2), 326-338, 2005 | 111 | 2005 |
Managerial trustworthiness and social exchange with the organization Z Byrne, V Pitts, D Chiaburu, Z Steiner Journal of managerial Psychology 26 (2), 108-122, 2011 | 105 | 2011 |