Tectonic segmentation of the North Andean margin: impact of the Carnegie Ridge collision MA Gutscher, J Malavieille, S Lallemand, JY Collot Earth and Planetary Science Letters 168 (3-4), 255-270, 1999 | 622 | 1999 |
The giant Ruatoria debris avalanche on the northern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand: Result of oblique seamount subduction JY Collot, K Lewis, G Lamarche, S Lallemand Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106 (B9), 19271-19297, 2001 | 244 | 2001 |
Arc-continent collision in Taiwan: New marine observations and tectonic evolution J Malavieille, SE Lallemand, S Dominguez, A Deschamps, CY Lu, CS Liu, ... | 228 | 2002 |
Are rupture zone limits of great subduction earthquakes controlled by upper plate structures? Evidence from multichannel seismic reflection data acquired across the northern … JY Collot, B Marcaillou, F Sage, F Michaud, W Agudelo, P Charvis, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B11), 2004 | 226 | 2004 |
The dammed Hikurangi Trough: a channel‐fed trench blocked by subducting seamounts and their wake avalanches (New Zealand–France GeodyNZ Project) KB Lewis, JY Collot, SE Lallem Basin Research 10 (4), 441-468, 1998 | 190 | 1998 |
Strain partitioning in the transition area between oblique subduction and continental collision, Hikurangi margin, New Zealand PM Barnes, BM de Lépinay, JY Collot, J Delteil, JC Audru Tectonics 17 (4), 534-557, 1998 | 176 | 1998 |
Recent tectonics associated with the subduction/collision of the d'Entrecasteaux zone in the central New Hebrides JY Collot, J Daniel, RV Burne Tectonophysics 112 (1-4), 325-356, 1985 | 163 | 1985 |
Interplate patchiness and subduction-erosion mechanisms: Evidence from depth-migrated seismic images at the central Ecuador convergent margin F Sage, JY Collot, CR Ranero Geology 34 (12), 997-1000, 2006 | 153 | 2006 |
From oblique subduction to intra-continental transpression: Structures of the southern Kermadec-Hikurangi margin from multibeam bathymetry, side-scan sonar and seismic reflection JY Collot, J Delteil, KB Lewis, B Davy, G Lamarche, JC Audru, P Barnes, ... Marine Geophysical Researches 18, 357-381, 1996 | 148 | 1996 |
Distribution of discrete seismic asperities and aseismic slip along the Ecuadorian megathrust M Chlieh, PA Mothes, JM Nocquet, P Jarrin, P Charvis, D Cisneros, Y Font, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 400, 292-301, 2014 | 145 | 2014 |
Origin of a crustal splay fault and its relation to the seismogenic zone and underplating at the erosional north Ecuador–south Colombia oceanic margin JY Collot, W Agudelo, A Ribodetti, B Marcaillou Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B12), 2008 | 134 | 2008 |
Exploring the Ecuador‐Colombia active margin and interplate seismogenic zone JY Collot, P Charvis, MA Gutscher, S Operto EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union 83 (17), 185-190, 2002 | 124 | 2002 |
Subduction initiation at a strike‐slip plate boundary: The Cenozoic Pacific‐Australian plate boundary, south of New Zealand JF Lebrun, G Lamarche, JY Collot Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B9), 2003 | 115 | 2003 |
Plio-Quaternary uplift of the Manta Peninsula and La Plata Island and the subduction of the Carnegie Ridge, central coast of Ecuador K Pedoja, JF Dumont, M Lamothe, L Ortlieb, JY Collot, B Ghaleb, ... Journal of South American Earth Sciences 22 (1-2), 1-21, 2006 | 109 | 2006 |
Deep structures of the Ecuador convergent margin and the Carnegie Ridge, possible consequence on great earthquakes recurrence interval D Graindorge, A Calahorrano, P Charvis, JY Collot, N Bethoux Geophysical research letters 31 (4), 2004 | 107 | 2004 |
Overthrust emplacement of New Caledonia ophiolite: geophysical evidence JY Collot, A Malahoff, J Récy, G Latham, F Missègue Tectonics 6 (3), 215-232, 1987 | 103 | 1987 |
The Oligocene-Miocene Pacific-Australia plate boundary, south of New Zealand: Evolution from oceanic spreading to strike-slip faulting G Lamarche, JY Collot, RA Wood, M Sosson, R Sutherland, J Delteil Earth and Planetary Science Letters 148 (1-2), 129-139, 1997 | 99 | 1997 |
Nonlinear variations of the physical properties along the southern Ecuador subduction channel: Results from depth-migrated seismic data A Calahorrano, V Sallarès, JY Collot, F Sage, CR Ranero Earth and Planetary Science Letters 267 (3-4), 453-467, 2008 | 95 | 2008 |
Subducted oceanic relief locks the shallow megathrust in central Ecuador JY Collot, E Sanclemente, JM Nocquet, A Leprêtre, A Ribodetti, P Jarrin, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (5), 3286-3305, 2017 | 89 | 2017 |
Toward a dynamic concept of the subduction channel at erosive convergent margins with implications for interplate material transfer P Vannucchi, F Sage, J Phipps Morgan, F Remitti, JY Collot Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 (2), 2012 | 89 | 2012 |