Propensity score estimation with boosted regression for evaluating causal effects in observational studies. DF McCaffrey, G Ridgeway, AR Morral Psychological methods 9 (4), 403, 2004 | 1575 | 2004 |
A tutorial on propensity score estimation for multiple treatments using generalized boosted models DF McCaffrey, BA Griffin, D Almirall, ME Slaughter, R Ramchand, ... Statistics in medicine 32 (19), 3388-3414, 2013 | 1477 | 2013 |
Evaluating Value-Added Models for Teacher Accountability. Monograph. DF McCaffrey, JR Lockwood, DM Koretz, LS Hamilton Rand Corporation, 2003 | 1207 | 2003 |
Models for value-added modeling of teacher effects DF McCaffrey, JR Lockwood, D Koretz, TA Louis, L Hamilton Journal of educational and behavioral statistics 29 (1), 67-101, 2004 | 946 | 2004 |
Variations in the care of HIV-infected adults in the United States: results from the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study MF Shapiro, SC Morton, DF McCaffrey, JW Senterfitt, JA Fleishman, ... Jama 281 (24), 2305-2315, 1999 | 880 | 1999 |
What do test scores in Texas tell us? SP Klein, L Hamilton, DF McCaffrey, B Stecher Education policy analysis archives 8, 49-49, 2000 | 735 | 2000 |
Have we identified effective teachers? Validating measures of effective teaching using random assignment TJ Kane, DF McCaffrey, T Miller, DO Staiger Research Paper. MET Project. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2013 | 560 | 2013 |
The care of HIV-infected adults in the United States SA Bozzette, SH Berry, N Duan, MR Frankel, AA Leibowitz, D Lefkowitz, ... New England Journal of Medicine 339 (26), 1897-1904, 1998 | 550 | 1998 |
Toolkit for weighting and analysis of nonequivalent groups: a tutorial for the R TWANG package G Ridgeway, DF McCaffrey, AR Morral, M Cefalu, LF Burgette, JD Pane, ... Rand, 2022 | 539* | 2022 |
The intertemporal variability of teacher effect estimates DF McCaffrey, TR Sass, JR Lockwood, K Mihaly Education finance and Policy 4 (4), 572-606, 2009 | 532 | 2009 |
Teacher Pay for Performance: Experimental Evidence from the Project on Incentives in Teaching (POINT). MG Springer, D Ballou, L Hamilton, VN Le, JR Lockwood, DF McCaffrey, ... Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2011 | 514 | 2011 |
Health-related quality of life in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection in the United States: results from the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study RD Hays, WE Cunningham, CD Sherbourne, IB Wilson, AW Wu, ... The American journal of medicine 108 (9), 714-722, 2000 | 505 | 2000 |
Bias reduction in standard errors for linear regression with multi-stage samples RM Bell, DF McCaffrey Survey Methodology 28 (2), 169-182, 2002 | 484 | 2002 |
The Vemont portfolio assessment program: Findings and implications D Koretz, B Stecher, S Klein, D McCaffrey Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 13 (3), 5-16, 1994 | 479 | 1994 |
Finding chaos in noisy systems D Nychka, S Ellner, AR Gallant, D McCaffrey Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 54 (2 …, 1992 | 478 | 1992 |
Does alcohol advertising promote adolescent drinking? Results from a longitudinal assessment PL Ellickson, RL Collins, K Hambarsoomians, DF McCaffrey Addiction 100 (2), 235-246, 2005 | 477 | 2005 |
Reassessing the marijuana gateway effect AR Morral, DF McCaffrey, SM Paddock Addiction 97 (12), 1493-1504, 2002 | 448 | 2002 |
Effectiveness of cognitive tutor algebra I at scale JF Pane, BA Griffin, DF McCaffrey, R Karam Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 36 (2), 127-144, 2014 | 414 | 2014 |
Impact of psychiatric conditions on health-related quality of life in persons with HIV infection CD Sherbourne, RD Hays, JA Fleishman, B Vitiello, KM Magruder, ... American Journal of Psychiatry 157 (2), 248-254, 2000 | 389 | 2000 |
Have we identified effective teachers TJ Kane, DF McCaffrey, T Miller, DO Staiger Validating measures of effective teaching using random assignment, 2013 | 379* | 2013 |