Continuous slice functional calculus in quaternionic Hilbert spaces R Ghiloni, V Moretti, A Perotti
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 25 (04), 1350006, 2013
246 2013 Slice regular functions on real alternative algebras R Ghiloni, A Perotti
Advances in Mathematics 226 (2), 1662-1691, 2011
232 2011 The algebra of slice functions R Ghiloni, A Perotti, C Stoppato
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 (7), 4725-4762, 2017
53 2017 Global differential equations for slice regular functions R Ghiloni, A Perotti
Mathematische Nachrichten 287 (5-6), 561-573, 2014
48 2014 Spectral properties of compact normal quaternionic operators R Ghiloni, V Moretti, A Perotti
Hypercomplex analysis: new perspectives and applications, 133-143, 2014
48 2014 A new approach to slice regularity on real algebras R Ghiloni, A Perotti
Hypercomplex analysis and applications, 109-123, 2011
46 2011 C k-Regularity for the on strictly pseudoconvex domains with piecewise smooth boundarieson strictly pseudoconvex domains with piecewise smooth boundaries J Michel, A Perotti
Mathematische Zeitschrift 203 (1), 415-427, 1990
44 1990 Zeros of regular functions of quaternionic and octonionic variable: a division lemma and the camshaft effect R Ghiloni, A Perotti
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 190 (3), 539-551, 2011
43 2011 Singularities of slice regular functions over real alternative⁎-algebras R Ghiloni, A Perotti, C Stoppato
Advances in Mathematics 305, 1085-1130, 2017
39 2017 Slice regularity and harmonicity on Clifford algebras A Perotti
Topics in Clifford Analysis: Special Volume in Honor of Wolfgang Sprößig, 53-73, 2019
37 2019 Power and spherical series over real alternative*-algebras R Ghiloni, A Perotti
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 2013, 2013
37 2013 Volume Cauchy formulas for slice functions on real associative*-algebras R Ghiloni, A Perotti
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 58 (12), 1701-1714, 2013
35 2013 Slice regular functions of several Clifford variables R Ghiloni, A Perotti
AIP Conference Proceedings 1493 (1), 734-738, 2012
34 2012 Spectral representations of normal operators in quaternionic Hilbert spaces via intertwining quaternionic PVMs R Ghiloni, V Moretti, A Perotti
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 29 (10), 1750034, 2017
31 * 2017 Division algebras of slice functions R Ghiloni, A Perotti, C Stoppato
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 150 (4 …, 2020
29 2020 Slice regular functions in several variables R Ghiloni, A Perotti
Mathematische Zeitschrift 302 (1), 295-351, 2022
28 2022 Fueter regularity and slice regularity: meeting points for two function theories A Perotti
Advances in hypercomplex analysis, 93-117, 2013
19 2013 On a Class of Orientation-Preserving Maps of R Ghiloni, A Perotti
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 31 (3), 2383-2415, 2021
18 2021 Almansi theorem and mean value formula for quaternionic slice-regular functions A Perotti
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 30, 1-11, 2020
17 2020 Dirichlet problem for pluriharmonic functions of several complex variables A Perotti
Communications in partial differential equations 24 (3-4), 707-717, 1999
16 1999