Internet of Things in Industries: A Survey L Da Xu, W He, S Li IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (4), 2233-2243, 2014 | 6534 | 2014 |
Industry 4.0: state of the art and future trends LD Xu, EL Xu, L Li International Journal of Production Research 56 (8), 2941-2962, 2018 | 3909 | 2018 |
The internet of things: a survey S Li, LD Xu, S Zhao Information Systems Frontiers 17 (2), 243-259, 2015 | 3190 | 2015 |
The Internet of Things—A survey of topics and trends A Whitmore, A Agarwal, L Da Xu Information systems frontiers 17 (2), 261-274, 2015 | 2324 | 2015 |
5G Internet of Things: A survey S Li, L Da Xu, S Zhao Journal of Industrial Information Integration 10, 1-9, 2018 | 1697 | 2018 |
Internet of things for enterprise systems of modern manufacturing Z Bi, L Da Xu, C Wang IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 10 (2), 1537-1546, 2014 | 890 | 2014 |
Enterprise systems: state-of-the-art and future trends LD Xu IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 7 (4), 630-640, 2011 | 880 | 2011 |
A health-IoT platform based on the integration of intelligent packaging, unobtrusive bio-sensor, and intelligent medicine box G Yang, L Xie, M Mäntysalo, X Zhou, Z Pang, L Da Xu, S Kao-Walter, ... IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (4), 2180-2191, 2014 | 871 | 2014 |
CCIoT-CMfg: cloud computing and internet of things-based cloud manufacturing service system F Tao, Y Cheng, L Da Xu, L Zhang, BH Li IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 10 (2), 1435-1442, 2014 | 871 | 2014 |
Ubiquitous data accessing method in IoT-based information system for emergency medical services B Xu, L Da Xu, H Cai, C Xie, J Hu, F Bu IEEE Transactions on Industrial informatics 10 (2), 1578-1586, 2014 | 784 | 2014 |
Developing vehicular data cloud services in the IoT environment W He, G Yan, L Da Xu IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 10 (2), 1587-1595, 2014 | 757 | 2014 |
IoT-based intelligent perception and access of manufacturing resource toward cloud manufacturing F Tao, Y Zuo, L Da Xu, L Zhang IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (2), 1547-1557, 2014 | 745 | 2014 |
Compressed sensing signal and data acquisition in wireless sensor networks and internet of things S Li, L Da Xu, X Wang IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 9 (4), 2177-2186, 2012 | 701 | 2012 |
An integrated system for regional environmental monitoring and management based on internet of things S Fang, L Da Xu, Y Zhu, J Ahati, H Pei, J Yan, Z Liu IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (2), 1596-1605, 2014 | 681 | 2014 |
Big data for cyber physical systems in industry 4.0: a survey LD Xu, L Duan Enterprise Information Systems 13 (2), 148-169, 2019 | 669 | 2019 |
Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity research: A review of current research topics Y Lu, L Da Xu IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (2), 2103-2115, 2018 | 650 | 2018 |
IoT-based smart rehabilitation system YJ Fan, YH Yin, L Da Xu, Y Zeng, F Wu IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 10 (2), 1568-1577, 2014 | 573 | 2014 |
Advanced internet of things for personalised healthcare systems: A survey J Qi, P Yang, G Min, O Amft, F Dong, L Xu Pervasive and Mobile Computing 41, 132-149, 2017 | 502 | 2017 |
Investigating the impact of cybersecurity policy awareness on employees’ cybersecurity behavior L Li, W He, L Xu, I Ash, M Anwar, X Yuan International Journal of Information Management 45, 13-24, 2019 | 491 | 2019 |
An IoT-oriented data storage framework in cloud computing platform L Jiang, L Da Xu, H Cai, Z Jiang, F Bu, B Xu IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (2), 1443-1451, 2014 | 475 | 2014 |