A framework of fuzzy information fusion for the segmentation of brain tumor tissues on MR images W Dou, S Ruan, Y Chen, D Bloyet, JM Constans Image and vision Computing 25 (2), 164-171, 2007 | 247 | 2007 |
Fuzzy kappa for the agreement measure of fuzzy classifications W Dou, Y Ren, Q Wu, S Ruan, Y Chen, D Bloyet, JM Constans Neurocomputing 70 (4-6), 726-734, 2007 | 82 | 2007 |
Brain functional networks study of subacute stroke patients with upper limb dysfunction after comprehensive rehabilitation including BCI training Q Wu, Z Yue, Y Ge, D Ma, H Yin, H Zhao, G Liu, J Wang, W Dou, Y Pan Frontiers in Neurology 10, 1419, 2020 | 64 | 2020 |
Features extraction and selection for emotional speech classification Z Xiao, E Dellandrea, W Dou, L Chen IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2005., 411-416, 2005 | 64 | 2005 |
Integrated photonic reservoir computing based on hierarchical time-multiplexing structure H Zhang, X Feng, B Li, Y Wang, K Cui, F Liu, W Dou, Y Huang Optics express 22 (25), 31356-31370, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
Hierarchical classification of emotional speech Z Xiao, E Dellandrea, W Dou, L Chen IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 37, 2007 | 54 | 2007 |
Automatic hierarchical classification of emotional speech Z Xiao, E Dellandrea, W Dou, L Chen Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Workshops (ISMW 2007), 291-296, 2007 | 51 | 2007 |
What is the best segment duration for music mood analysis? Z Xiao, E Dellandrea, W Dou, L Chen 2008 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 17-24, 2008 | 49 | 2008 |
Recognition of emotions in speech by a hierarchical approach Z Xiao, E Dellandréa, L Chen, W Dou 2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent …, 2009 | 45 | 2009 |
Multi-stage classification of emotional speech motivated by a dimensional emotion model Z Xiao, E Dellandrea, W Dou, L Chen Multimedia Tools and Applications 46, 119-145, 2010 | 44 | 2010 |
Facial expression recognition and generation using sparse autoencoder Y Liu, X Hou, J Chen, C Yang, G Su, W Dou 2014 International Conference on Smart Computing, 125-130, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
EEG microstate-specific functional connectivity and stroke-related alterations in brain dynamics Z Hao, X Zhai, D Cheng, Y Pan, W Dou Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 848737, 2022 | 33 | 2022 |
ESFS: A new embedded feature selection method based on SFS Z Xiao, E Dellandrea, W Dou, L Chen Ecole Centrale Lyon; Université de Lyon; LIRIS UMR 5205 CNRS/INSA de Lyon …, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |
Ball hit detection in table tennis games based on audio analysis B Zhang, W Dou, L Chen 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 3, 220-223, 2006 | 28 | 2006 |
MDCT sinusoidal analysis for audio signals analysis and processing S Zhang, W Dou, H Yang IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 21 (7), 1403-1414, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Image categorization using ESFS: a new embedded feature selection method based on SFS H Fu, Z Xiao, E Dellandréa, W Dou, L Chen Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 11th International …, 2009 | 24 | 2009 |
Two-stage classification of emotional speech Z Xiao, E Dellandrea, W Dou, L Chen International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT'06), 32-32, 2006 | 22 | 2006 |
Cerebral magnetic resonance image segmentation using fuzzy Markov random fields S Ruan, D Bloyet, M Revenu, W Dou, Q Liao Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 237-240, 2002 | 21 | 2002 |
Dual-level Deep Evidential Fusion: Integrating multimodal information for enhanced reliable decision-making in deep learning Z Shao, W Dou, Y Pan Information Fusion 103, 102113, 2024 | 20 | 2024 |
Non-concomitant cortical structural and functional alterations in sensorimotor areas following incomplete spinal cord injury Yu Pan*#1,2, Wei-bei Dou*#3, Yue-heng Wang3, Hui-wen Luo3, Yun-xiang Ge3 ... Neural Regeneration Research 12 (12), 2059-2066, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |