Overview of radiation induced point defects in silica-based optical fibers S Girard, A Alessi, N Richard, L Martin-Samos, V De Michele, ...
Reviews in Physics 4, 100032, 2019
348 2019 Medium-range structure of vitreous obtained through first-principles investigation of vibrational spectra L Giacomazzi, P Umari, A Pasquarello
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (6), 064202, 2009
98 2009 Medium-Range Structural Properties of Vitreous Germania Obtained<? format?> through First-Principles Analysis of Vibrational Spectra L Giacomazzi, P Umari, A Pasquarello
Physical review letters 95 (7), 075505, 2005
79 2005 Vibrational spectra of vitreous germania from first-principles L Giacomazzi, P Umari, A Pasquarello
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (15), 155208, 2006
75 2006 Energy-level alignment in organic dye-sensitized TiO2 from GW calculations P Umari, L Giacomazzi, F De Angelis, M Pastore, S Baroni
The Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (1), 2013
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Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (14), 144201, 2009
57 2009 First-principles investigation of the structural and vibrational properties of vitreous L Giacomazzi, C Massobrio, A Pasquarello
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (17), 174207, 2007
48 2007 EPR parameters of E′ centers in v−SiO2 from first-principles calculations L Giacomazzi, L Martin-Samos, A Boukenter, Y Ouerdane, S Girard, ...
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46 2014 Vibrational spectra of vitreous SiO2 and vitreous GeO2 from first principles L Giacomazzi, A Pasquarello
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (41), 415112, 2007
42 2007 Ge(2), Ge(1) and Ge-E ′ centers in irradiated Ge-doped silica: a first-principles EPR study L Giacomazzi, L Martin-Samos, A Boukenter, Y Ouerdane, S Girard, ...
Optical Materials Express 5 (5), 1054-1064, 2015
39 2015 Coupled theoretical and experimental studies for the radiation hardening of silica-based optical fibers N Richard, S Girard, L Giacomazzi, L Martin-Samos, D Di Francesca, ...
2013 14th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and …, 2013
33 2013 Dynamics of liquid 4 He in confined geometries from time-dependent density functional calculations L Giacomazzi, F Toigo, F Ancilotto
Physical Review B 67 (10), 104501, 2003
30 2003 Neutron irradiation effects on the structural properties of KU1, KS-4V and I301 silica glasses M León, L Giacomazzi, S Girard, N Richard, P Martín, L Martin-Samos, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61 (4), 1522-1530, 2014
28 2014 Vibrational properties of vitreousGeSe2 with the Becke–Lee–Yang–Parr density functional L Giacomazzi, C Massobrio, A Pasquarello
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (29), 295401, 2011
23 2011 Photoactivated processes in optical fibers: generation and conversion mechanisms of twofold coordinated Si and Ge atoms L Giacomazzi, L Martin-Samos, A Boukenter, Y Ouerdane, S Girard, ...
Nanotechnology 28 (19), 195202, 2017
22 2017 Accelerating GW calculations with optimal polarizability basis P Umari, X Qian, N Marzari, G Stenuit, L Giacomazzi, S Baroni
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Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (6), 064103, 2010
19 2010 Correlations between structural and optical properties of peroxy bridges from first principles B Winkler, L Martin-Samos, N Richard, L Giacomazzi, A Alessi, S Girard, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (7), 4002-4010, 2017
17 2017 Optical absorption spectra of P defects in vitreous silica L Giacomazzi, L Martin-Samos, A Alessi, M Valant, KC Gunturu, ...
Optical Materials Express 8 (2), 385-400, 2018
16 2018 Collective dipole effects in ionic transport under electric fields N Salles, L Martin-Samos, S De Gironcoli, L Giacomazzi, M Valant, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 3330, 2020
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