A Group-IV Ferromagnetic Semiconductor: MnxGe1−x YD Park, AT Hanbicki, SC Erwin, CS Hellberg, JM Sullivan, JE Mattson, ... Science 295 (5555), 651-654, 2002 | 1080 | 2002 |
Precipitation behavior of the ß phase in Al-5083 R Goswami, G Spanos, PS Pao, RL Holtz Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (4-5), 1089-1095, 2010 | 325 | 2010 |
Magnetoresistance of Mn: Ge ferromagnetic nanoclusters in a diluted magnetic semiconductor matrix YD Park, A Wilson, AT Hanbicki, JE Mattson, T Ambrose, G Spanos, ... Applied Physics Letters 78 (18), 2739-2741, 2001 | 250 | 2001 |
Bainite viewed three different ways HI Aaronson, WT Reynolds, GJ Shiflet, G Spanos Metallurgical Transactions A 21, 1343-1380, 1990 | 249 | 1990 |
Linguistic features of mathematical problem solving: Insights and applications G Spanos, NC Rhodes, TC Dale, JA Crandall Linguistic and cultural influences on learning mathematics, 221-240, 2013 | 246 | 2013 |
Three-dimensional analysis of grain topology and interface curvature in a β-titanium alloy DJ Rowenhorst, AC Lewis, G Spanos Acta Materialia 58 (16), 5511-5519, 2010 | 221 | 2010 |
3D crystallographic and morphological analysis of coarse martensite: Combining EBSD and serial sectioning DJ Rowenhorst, A Gupta, CR Feng, G Spanos Scripta Materialia 55 (1), 11-16, 2006 | 218 | 2006 |
Sympathetic nucleation: an overview HI Aaronson, G Spanos, RA Masamura, RG Vardiman, DW Moon, ... Materials Science and Engineering: B 32 (3), 107-123, 1995 | 189 | 1995 |
Three-dimensional analysis of proeutectoid cementite precipitates MV Kral, G Spanos Acta Materialia 47 (2), 711-724, 1999 | 182 | 1999 |
Three-dimensional analysis of microstructures MV Kral, MA Mangan, G Spanos, RO Rosenberg Materials Characterization 45 (1), 17-23, 2000 | 158 | 2000 |
Microstructural changes in HSLA-100 steel thermally cycled to simulate the heat-affected zone during welding G Spanos, RW Fonda, RA Vandermeer, A Matuszeski Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 26, 3277-3293, 1995 | 153 | 1995 |
Microstructural evolution and stress corrosion cracking behavior of Al-5083 R Goswami, G Spanos, PS Pao, RL Holtz Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42, 348-355, 2011 | 148 | 2011 |
Two-and three-dimensional microstructural characterization of a super-austenitic stainless steel AC Lewis, JF Bingert, DJ Rowenhorst, A Gupta, AB Geltmacher, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 418 (1-2), 11-18, 2006 | 130 | 2006 |
A mechanism for the formation of lower bainite G Spanos, HS Fang, HI Aaronson Metallurgical Transactions A 21, 1381-1390, 1990 | 116 | 1990 |
Determining phase volume fraction in steels by electron backscattered diffraction AW Wilson, JD Madison, G Spanos Scripta materialia 45 (12), 1335-1340, 2001 | 99 | 2001 |
Mechanisms of the bainite (non-lamellar eutectoid) reaction and a fundamental distinction between the bainite and pearlite (lamellar eutectoid) reactions HJ Lee, G Spanos, GJ Shiflet, HI Aaronson Acta Metallurgica 36 (4), 1129-1140, 1988 | 96 | 1988 |
Three-dimensional distribution, morphology, and nucleation site of intragranular ferrite formed in association with inclusions T Yokomizo, M Enomoto, O Umezawa, G Spanos, RO Rosenberg Materials Science and Engineering: A 344 (1-2), 261-267, 2003 | 90 | 2003 |
Application of orientation imaging microscopy to study phase transformations in steels AW Wilson, G Spanos Materials characterization 46 (5), 407-418, 2001 | 79 | 2001 |
A progress report on the definitions of bainite HI Aaronson, G Spanos, WT Reynolds Jr Scripta Materialia 47 (3), 139-144, 2002 | 76 | 2002 |
A summary of the present diffusionist views on bainite R WT, HI Aaronson, G Spanos Materials Transactions, JIM 32 (8), 737-746, 1991 | 76 | 1991 |