Feedback control as a framework for understanding tradeoffs in biology NJ Cowan, MM Ankarali, JP Dyhr, MS Madhav, E Roth, S Sefati, ... American Zoologist 54 (2), 223-237, 2014 | 141 | 2014 |
Mechanism of membrane fusion induced by vesicular stomatitis virus G protein IS Kim, S Jenni, ML Stanifer, E Roth, SPJ Whelan, AM Van Oijen, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (1), E28-E36, 2017 | 136 | 2017 |
A comparative approach to closed-loop computation E Roth, S Sponberg, NJ Cowan Current opinion in neurobiology 25, 54-62, 2014 | 119 | 2014 |
Mutually opposing forces during locomotion can eliminate the tradeoff between maneuverability and stability S Sefati, ID Neveln, E Roth, TRT Mitchell, JB Snyder, MA MacIver, ... Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 110 (47), 18798-18803, 2013 | 106 | 2013 |
Active sensing via movement shapes spatiotemporal patterns of sensory feedback SA Stamper, E Roth, NJ Cowan, ES Fortune Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (9), 1567-1574, 2012 | 86 | 2012 |
Stimulus predictability mediates a switch in locomotor smooth pursuit performance for Eigenmannia virescens E Roth, K Zhuang, SA Stamper, ES Fortune, NJ Cowan Journal of experimental biology 214 (7), 1170-1180, 2011 | 80 | 2011 |
Cellular mechanisms for integral feedback in visually guided behavior B Schnell, PT Weir, E Roth, AL Fairhall, MH Dickinson Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (15), 5700-5705, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
Integration of parallel mechanosensory and visual pathways resolved through sensory conflict E Roth, RW Hall, TL Daniel, S Sponberg Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (45), 12832-12837, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
Synaptic plasticity can produce and enhance direction selectivity S Carver, E Roth, NJ Cowan, ES Fortune PLoS computational biology 4 (2), e32, 2008 | 31 | 2008 |
A task-level model for optomotor yaw regulation in drosophila melanogaster: A frequency-domain system identification approach. E Roth, MB Reiser, MH Dickinson, NJ Cowan CDC, 3721-3726, 2012 | 28 | 2012 |
Honeybees in a virtual reality environment learn unique combinations of colour and shape C Rusch, E Roth, C Vinauger, JA Riffell Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (19), 3478-3487, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Molecular models E Roth, AL Nickel, TM Herman US Patent 7,465,169, 2008 | 21 | 2008 |
Effect of handedness on learned controllers and sensorimotor noise during trajectory-tracking M Yamagami, LN Peterson, D Howell, E Roth, SA Burden IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 53 (4), 2039-2050, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Contributions of feedforward and feedback control in a manual trajectory-tracking task M Yamagami, D Howell, E Roth, SA Burden IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (34), 61-66, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Evolving dyadic strategies for a cooperative physical task S Sheybani, EJ Izquierdo, E Roth 2020 IEEE haptics symposium (HAPTICS), 684-689, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Toward experimental validation of a model for human sensorimotor learning and control in teleoperation E Roth, D Howell, C Beckwith, SA Burden Micro-and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IX 10194, 380-391, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Modeling Nanoscale Carbon Structures E Roth, AML Nickel Proceedings of the 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim …, 2004 | 2 | 2004 |
Reconciling Open-and Closed-Loop Experiments in Sensorimotor Control of Drosophila E Roth, MB Reiser, NJ Cowan INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 49, E148-E148, 2009 | 1 | 2009 |
Spatial Content of Visual Scenes Mediates Different Strategies for Gaze Fixation in Hawkmoths MD Harris, T Deora, E Roth INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 59, E330-E330, 2019 | | 2019 |
Moths Regulate Body Attitude and Gaze to Stabilize Small-and Wide-field Visual Cues MD Harris, TL Daniel, E Roth INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 58, E333-E333, 2018 | | 2018 |