Các bài viết có thể truy cập công khai - David HawthornTìm hiểu thêm
Không có ở bất kỳ nơi nào: 4
Resonant soft x-ray scattering studies of interface reconstructions in SrTiO3:LaAlO3 superlattices
H Wadati, DG Hawthorn, J Geck, T Higuchi, Y Hikita, HY Hwang, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (8), 083705-083705-5, 2009
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: German Research Foundation
Dark channel fluorescence observations result from concentration effects rather than solvent–solute charge transfer
TZ Regier, AJ Achkar, D Peak, JS Tse, DG Hawthorn
Nature Chemistry 4 (10), 765-766, 2012
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Probing Charge Density Wave Dynamics in Superconducting YBCO via Ultrafast X-Ray Scattering
S Wandel, F Boschini, EH da Silva Neto, GB Welch, MH Seaberg, ...
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FM1F. 7, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Energy
Quantifying the hole distribution in cuprates: Atomic‐resolution near‐edge fine‐structures of the superconductor Sr3Ca11Cu24O41
M Bugnet, G Radtke, S Löffler, P Schattschneider, D Hawthorn, ...
European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 970-971, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Austrian Science Fund, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of …
Có tại một số nơi: 27
Long-Range Incommensurate Charge Fluctuations in (Y,Nd)Ba2Cu3O6+x
G Ghiringhelli, M Le Tacon, M Minola, S Blanco-Canosa, C Mazzoli, ...
Science 337 (6096), 821-825, 2012
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Austrian Science Fund, Canadian Institutes …
Distinct Charge Orders in the Planes and Chains of Ortho-III-Ordered YBa_ {2} Cu_ {3} O_ {6+ δ} Superconductors Identified by Resonant Elastic X-ray Scattering
AJ Achkar, R Sutarto, X Mao, F He, A Frano, S Blanco-Canosa, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (16), 167001, 2012
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Symmetry of charge order in cuprates
R Comin, R Sutarto, F He, EH da Silva Neto, L Chauviere, A Frano, ...
Nature materials 14 (8), 796-800, 2015
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Bulk sensitive x-ray absorption spectroscopy free of self-absorption effects
AJ Achkar, TZ Regier, H Wadati, YJ Kim, H Zhang, DG Hawthorn
Physical Review B 83 (8), 081106, 2011
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Charge ordering in La{1.8−x}Eu{0.2}Sr{x}CuO{4} studied by resonant soft x-ray diffraction
J Fink, E Schierle, E Weschke, J Geck, D Hawthorn, V Soltwisch, H Wadati, ...
Physical Review B 79 (10), 100502, 2009
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: German Research Foundation
Status of x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission (XRISM)
M Tashiro, H Maejima, K Toda, R Kelley, L Reichenthal, L Hartz, R Petre, ...
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 11444 …, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Nematicity in stripe-ordered cuprates probed via resonant x-ray scattering
AJ Achkar, M Zwiebler, C McMahon, F He, R Sutarto, I Djianto, Z Hao, ...
Science 351 (6273), 576-578, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Energy, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural …
Orbital symmetry of charge density wave order in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 and YBa2Cu3O6.67
AJ Achkar, F He, R Sutarto, C McMahon, M Zwiebler, M Hucker, GD Gu, ...
Nature Materials 15 (6), 616-620, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Energy, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural …
Resonant elastic soft x-ray scattering in oxygen-ordered YBa2Cu3O{6+ δ}
DG Hawthorn, KM Shen, J Geck, DC Peets, H Wadati, J Okamoto, ...
Physical Review B 84 (7), 075125, 2011
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: German Research Foundation
An in-vacuum diffractometer for resonant elastic soft x-ray scattering
DG Hawthorn, F He, L Venema, H Davis, AJ Achkar, J Zhang, R Sutarto, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (7), 073104, 2011
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, German Research Foundation
Determination of total x-ray absorption coefficient using non-resonant x-ray emission
AJ Achkar, TZ Regier, EJ Monkman, KM Shen, DG Hawthorn
Scientific Reports 1 (1), 182, 2011
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Impact of quenched oxygen disorder on charge density wave order in YBa2Cu3O6+x
AJ Achkar, X Mao, C McMahon, R Sutarto, F He, R Liang, DA Bonn, ...
Physical Review Letters 113 (10), 107002, 2014
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Enhanced charge density wave coherence in a light-quenched, high-temperature superconductor
S Wandel, F Boschini, EH da Silva Neto, L Shen, MX Na, S Zohar, ...
Science 376 (6595), 860-864, 2022
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Canadian Institutes …
Resonant X-Ray Scattering Measurements of a Spatial Modulation of the Cu 3d and O 2p Energies in Stripe-Ordered Cuprate Superconductors
AJ Achkar, F He, R Sutarto, J Geck, H Zhang, YJ Kim, DG Hawthorn
Physical Review Letters 110 (1), 017001, 2013
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Cu K-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in edge-sharing cuprates
F Vernay, B Moritz, IS Elfimov, J Geck, D Hawthorn, TP Devereaux, ...
Physical Review B 77 (10), 104519, 2008
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: German Research Foundation
LaVO4:Eu Phosphor films with enhanced Eu solubility
T Higuchi, Y Hotta, Y Hikita, S Maruyama, Y Hayamizu, H Akiyama, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (7), 071902-071902-3, 2011
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
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