Recovery potential of rare earth elements from mining and industrial residues: A review and cases studies S Costis, KK Mueller, L Coudert, CM Neculita, N Reynier, JF Blais Journal of Geochemical Exploration 221, 106699, 2021 | 145 | 2021 |
Treatment technologies used for the removal of As, Cr, Cu, PCP and/or PCDD/F from contaminated soil: A review K Guemiza, L Coudert, S Metahni, G Mercier, S Besner, JF Blais Journal of Hazardous Materials 333, 194-214, 2017 | 106 | 2017 |
Removal and potential recovery of rare earth elements from mine water A Royer-Lavallée, CM Neculita, L Coudert Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 89, 47-57, 2020 | 104 | 2020 |
Recovery of metals from a mixture of various spent batteries by a hydrometallurgical process K Tanong, L Coudert, G Mercier, JF Blais Journal of environmental management 181, 95-107, 2016 | 102 | 2016 |
Treatment of As-rich mine effluents and produced residues stability: Current knowledge and research priorities for gold mining L Coudert, R Bondu, TV Rakotonimaro, E Rosa, M Guittonny, CM Neculita Journal of Hazardous Materials 386, 121920, 2020 | 62 | 2020 |
Semi-passive in-situ pilot scale bioreactor successfully removed sulfate and metals from mine impacted water under subarctic climatic conditions G Nielsen, I Hatam, KA Abuan, A Janin, L Coudert, JF Blais, G Mercier, ... Water research 140, 268-279, 2018 | 56 | 2018 |
Application of a CCA-treated wood waste decontamination process to other copper-based preservative-treated wood after disposal A Janin, L Coudert, P Riche, G Mercier, P Cooper, JF Blais Journal of Hazardous Materials 186 (2-3), 1880-1887, 2011 | 51 | 2011 |
Characterization of phosphate processing sludge from Tunisian mining basin and its potential valorization in fired bricks making M Ettoumi, M Jouini, CM Neculita, S Bouhlel, L Coudert, Y Taha, ... Journal of Cleaner Production 284, 124750, 2021 | 49 | 2021 |
Treatment of contaminated soil leachate by precipitation, adsorption and ion exchange N Reynier, L Coudert, JF Blais, G Mercier, S Besner Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3 (2), 977-985, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Influence of organic carbon sources on metal removal from mine impacted water using sulfate-reducing bacteria bioreactors in cold climates G Nielsen, L Coudert, A Janin, JF Blais, G Mercier Mine Water and the Environment 38 (1), 104-118, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Bioleaching of uranium tailings as secondary sources for rare earth elements production N Reynier, R Gagné-Turcotte, L Coudert, S Costis, R Cameron, JF Blais Minerals 11 (3), 302, 2021 | 40 | 2021 |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon oxidation from concentrates issued from an attrition process of polluted soil using the Fenton reagent and permanganate M Bendouz, J Dionne, LH Tran, L Coudert, G Mercier, JF Blais Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 228, 1-14, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Electro-Fenton beyond the degradation of organics: Treatment of thiosalts in contaminated mine water H Olvera-Vargas, J Dubuc, Z Wang, L Coudert, CM Neculita, O Lefebvre Environmental Science & Technology 55 (4), 2564-2574, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Optimized indium solubilization from LCD panels using H2SO4 leaching LH Tran, KK Mueller, L Coudert, JF Blais Waste Management 114, 53-61, 2020 | 36 | 2020 |
Comparative efficiency of microbial fuel cells and electrocoagulation for the treatment of iron-rich acid mine drainage T Foudhaili, TV Rakotonimaro, CM Neculita, L Coudert, O Lefebvre Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (3), 103149, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
Study of the factors influencing the metals solubilisation from a mixture of waste batteries by response surface methodology K Tanong, L Coudert, M Chartier, G Mercier, JF Blais Environmental technology 38 (24), 3167-3179, 2017 | 34 | 2017 |
Comparison of different interpolation methods and sequential Gaussian simulation to estimate volumes of soil contaminated by As, Cr, Cu, PCP and dioxins/furans S Metahni, L Coudert, E Gloaguen, K Guemiza, G Mercier, JF Blais Environmental pollution 252, 409-419, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different synthetic solutions by Fenton’s oxidation M Bendouz, LH Tran, L Coudert, G Mercier, JF Blais Environmental Technology 38 (1), 116-127, 2017 | 32 | 2017 |
Microporous and macroporous materials state-of-the-art of the technologies in zeolitization of aluminosilicate bearing residues from mining and metallurgical industries: A … D Azizi, F Ibsaine, J Dionne, LC Pasquier, L Coudert, JF Blais Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 318, 111029, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
Sulfate removal from mine drainage by electrocoagulation as a stand-alone treatment or polishing step T Foudhaili, O Lefebvre, L Coudert, CM Neculita Minerals Engineering 152, 106337, 2020 | 31 | 2020 |