Tunable bandgap in BiFeO3 nanoparticles: the role of microstrain and oxygen defects PSV Mocherla, C Karthik, R Ubic, R Rao, C Sudakar
Applied Physics Letters 103 (2), 2013
321 2013 Influence of surface disorder, oxygen defects and bandgap in TiO2 nanostructures on the photovoltaic properties of dye sensitized solar cells TK Das, P Ilaiyaraja, PSV Mocherla, GM Bhalerao, C Sudakar
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 144, 194-209, 2016
90 2016 Carbon coating on the current collector and LiFePO4 nanoparticles–Influence of sp2 and sp3-like disordered carbon on the electrochemical properties P Swain, M Viji, PSV Mocherla, C Sudakar
Journal of Power Sources 293, 613-625, 2015
72 2015 Effect of microstrain on the magnetic properties of BiFeO3 nanoparticles PSV Mocherla, C Karthik, R Ubic, R Rao, C Sudakar
Applied Physics Letters 105 (13), 2014
63 2014 Synthesis of Cu-deficient and Zn-graded Cu–In–Zn–S quantum dots and hybrid inorganic–organic nanophosphor composite for white light emission P Ilaiyaraja, PSV Mocherla, TK Srinivasan, C Sudakar
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (19), 12456-12465, 2016
45 2016 Enhanced magnetic and ferroelectric properties in scandium doped nano Bi2Fe4O9 DP Dutta, C Sudakar, PSV Mocherla, BP Mandal, OD Jayakumar, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 135 (2-3), 998-1004, 2012
42 2012 CuInS2 quantum dot sensitized solar cells with high VOC≈ 0.9 V achieved using microsphere-nanoparticulate TiO2 composite photoanode P Ilaiyaraja, B Rakesh, TK Das, PSV Mocherla, C Sudakar
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 178, 208-222, 2018
41 2018 Well-connected microsphere-nanoparticulate TiO2 composites as high performance photoanode for dye sensitized solar cell P Ilaiyaraja, TK Das, PSV Mocherla, C Sudakar
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 169, 86-97, 2017
29 2017 Wide-range tunable bandgap in Bi1− xCaxFe1− yTiyO3− δ nanoparticles via oxygen vacancy induced structural modulations at room temperature PSV Mocherla, S Gautam, KH Chae, MSR Rao, C Sudakar
Materials Research Express 2 (9), 095012, 2015
20 2015 Photoconductivity induced by nanoparticle segregated grain-boundary in spark plasma sintered BiFeO3 S Nandy, PSV Mocherla, C Sudakar
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (20), 2017
18 2017 Oxygen vacancy induced photoconductivity enhancement in Bi1-xCaxFeO3-δ nanoparticle ceramics: A combined experimental and theoretical study S Nandy, K Kaur, PSV Mocherla, BRK Nanda, C Sudakar
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (19), 2018
17 2018 Coexistence of large negative and positive magnetodielectric response in nanoparticle ceramics S Nandy, PSV Mocherla, E Abdelhamid, B Nadgorny, R Naik, C Sudakar
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13 2021 Band engineering via grain boundary defect states for large scale tuning of photoconductivity in Bi1− xCaxFe1− yTiyO3− δ S Nandy, PSV Mocherla, K Kaur, S Gautam, BRK Nanda, C Sudakar
Journal of Applied Physics 126 (23), 2019
12 2019 Optical Whispering Gallery-Enabled Enhanced Photovoltaic Efficiency of CdS–CuInS2 Thin Film-Sensitized Whisperonic Solar Cells P Ilaiyaraja, TK Das, PSV Mocherla, C Sudakar
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (3), 1579-1586, 2019
12 2019 High-rate capability of bamboo-like single crystalline LiFePO 4 nanotubes with an easy access to b-axis 1D channels of olivine structure M Viji, P Swain, PSV Mocherla, C Sudakar
RSC Advances 6 (46), 39710-39717, 2016
12 2016 Microstrain engineered magnetic properties in Bi1− xCaxFe1− yTiyO3− δ nanoparticles: deviation from Néel’s 1/d size-dependent magnetization behaviour PSV Mocherla, MB Sahana, R Gopalan, MSR Rao, BRK Nanda, ...
Materials Research Express 4 (10), 106106, 2017
10 2017 Correlation between milling-induced strain, microstructure, and magnetic properties in anisotropic SrFe12O19 powders PSV Mocherla, V Ramya, D Kar, D Prabhu, R Gopalan
Ceramics International 48 (18), 26669-26677, 2022
9 2022 High temperature magnetic studies on Bi1-xCaxFe1− yTiyO3-δ nanoparticles: Observation of Hopkinson-like effect above TN PSV Mocherla, D Prabhu, MB Sahana, NY Hebalkar, R Gopalan, R Rao, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (7), 2018
8 2018 Influence of post‐synthesis NaCl flux treatment on the magnetic properties of jet‐milled SrFe12 O19 powders PSV Mocherla, P Ganesan, D Prabhu, NY Hebalkar, R Gopalan, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105 (2), 1116-1126, 2022
5 2022 Temperature-dependent Raman spectral evidence of local structural changes in BiFeO3 thin films: Influence of substrate and oxygen vacancies S Nandy, PSV Mocherla, C Sudakar
Journal of Applied Physics 135 (2), 2024
3 2024