GEOMORPHOLOGY OF STEEPLAND HEADWATERS: THE TRANSITION FROM HILLSLOPES TO CHANNELS1 L Benda, MA Hassan, M Church, CL May JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41 (4), 835-851, 2005 | 364 | 2005 |
Processes and rates of sediment and wood accumulation in headwater streams of the Oregon Coast Range, USA CL May, RE Gresswell Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2003 | 274 | 2003 |
Ecological research and management of intermittent rivers: an historical review and future directions C Leigh, AJ Boulton, JL Courtwright, K Fritz, CL May, RH Walker, T Datry Freshwater Biology 61 (8), 1181-1199, 2016 | 253 | 2016 |
Large wood recruitment and redistribution in headwater streams in the southern Oregon Coast Range, USA CL May, RE Gresswell Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33 (8), 1352-1362, 2003 | 191 | 2003 |
SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF WOOD IN HEADWATER STREAMS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST1 MA Hassan, DL Hogan, SA Bird, CL May, T Gomi, D Campbell JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41 (4), 899-919, 2005 | 187 | 2005 |
Spatial and temporal patterns of debris-flow deposition in the Oregon Coast Range, USA CL May, RE Gresswell Geomorphology 57 (3-4), 135-149, 2004 | 165 | 2004 |
DEBRIS FLOWS THROUGH DIFFERENT FOREST AGE CLASSES IN THE CENTRAL OREGON COAST RANGE1 CL May JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 38 (4), 1097-1113, 2002 | 118 | 2002 |
Coupling hydrodynamic modeling and empirical measures of bed mobility to predict the risk of scour and fill of salmon redds in a large regulated river CL May, B Pryor, TE Lisle, M Lang Water Resources Research 45 (5), 2009 | 96 | 2009 |
The relationships among in‐channel sediment storage, pool depth, and summer survival of juvenile salmonids in Oregon Coast Range streams CL May, DC Lee North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24 (3), 761-774, 2004 | 93 | 2004 |
Quantitative linkages among sediment supply, streambed fine sediment, and benthic macroinvertebrates in northern California streams MR Cover, CL May, WE Dietrich, VH Resh Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27 (1), 135-149, 2008 | 82 | 2008 |
Controls on valley width in mountainous landscapes: The role of landsliding and implications for salmonid habitat C May, J Roering, LS Eaton, KM Burnett Geology 41 (4), 503-506, 2013 | 71 | 2013 |
A rapid assessment method to identify potential groundwater flooding hotspots as sea levels rise in coastal cities E Plane, K Hill, C May Water 11 (11), 2228, 2019 | 44 | 2019 |
Importance of terrestrial subsidies for native brook trout in A ppalachian intermittent streams J Courtwright, CL May Freshwater Biology 58 (11), 2423-2438, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
River profile controls on channel morphology, debris flow disturbance, and the spatial extent of salmonids in steep mountain streams CL May, TE Lisle Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F4), 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
Sediment and wood routing in steep headwater streams: an overview of geomorphic processes and their topographic signatures C May Forest Science 53 (2), 119-130, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |
The waterfall paradox: How knickpoints disconnect hillslope and channel processes, isolating salmonid populations in ideal habitats C May, J Roering, K Snow, K Griswold, R Gresswell Geomorphology 277, 228-236, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Explaining spatial patterns of mussel beds in a Northern California river: The role of flood disturbance and spawning salmon CL May, BS Pryor River Research and Applications 32 (4), 776-785, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
Future changes in extreme precipitation over the San Francisco Bay Area: Dependence on atmospheric river and extratropical cyclone events CM Patricola, MF Wehner, E Bercos-Hickey, FV Maciel, C May, M Mak, ... Weather and Climate Extremes 36, 100440, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
Initial motion and bedload transport distance determined by particle tracking in a large regulated river CL May, BS Pryor River Research and Applications 30 (4), 508-520, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Rising groundwater and sea-level rise C May Nature Climate Change 10 (10), 889-890, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |