Stock synthesis: a biological and statistical framework for fish stock assessment and fishery management RD Methot Jr, CR Wetzel Fisheries Research 142, 86-99, 2013 | 1162 | 2013 |
Synthesis model: an adaptable framework for analysis of diverse stock assessment data R Methot Bull Int North Pac Fish Comm 50, 259-277, 1990 | 375 | 1990 |
Synthetic estimates of historical abundance and mortality for northern anchovy RD Methot Am. Fish. Soc. Symp 6, 66-82, 1989 | 263 | 1989 |
Growth of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, larvae in the sea RD Methot, D Kramer Fish. Bull. US 77 (2), 413-423, 1979 | 229 | 1979 |
Adjusting for bias due to variability of estimated recruitments in fishery assessment models RD Methot Jr, IG Taylor Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 (10), 1744-1760, 2011 | 201 | 2011 |
Contribution of Early Life Stages to Interannual Variability in Recruitment of Northern Anchovy (Engraulis mordax) RM Peterman, MJ Bradford, NCH Lo, RD Methot Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45 (1), 8-16, 1988 | 195 | 1988 |
Seasonal variation in survival of larval northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, estimated from the age distribution of juveniles RD Methot Fish. Bull 81 (4), 741-750, 1983 | 187 | 1983 |
Estimating natural mortality within a fisheries stock assessment model: an evaluation using simulation analysis based on twelve stock assessments HH Lee, MN Maunder, KR Piner, RD Methot Fisheries Research 109 (1), 89-94, 2011 | 182 | 2011 |
Technical description of the stock synthesis assessment program. US Dept. Commer RD Methot NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC 43, 46, 2000 | 170 | 2000 |
Can steepness of the stock–recruitment relationship be estimated in fishery stock assessment models? HH Lee, MN Maunder, KR Piner, RD Methot Fisheries Research 125, 254-261, 2012 | 165 | 2012 |
User manual for stock synthesis RD Methot NOAA Fisheries, Seattle, USA, 2009 | 163 | 2009 |
Frame trawl for sampling pelagic juvenile fish RD Methot CalCOFI Rep 27, 267-278, 1986 | 163 | 1986 |
Does MPA mean ‘Major Problem for Assessments'? Considering the consequences of place‐based management systems JC Field, AE Punt, RD Methot, CJ Thomson Fish and Fisheries 7 (4), 284-302, 2006 | 161 | 2006 |
A generalized linear mixed model analysis of a multi-vessel fishery resource survey TE Helser, AE Punt, RD Methot Fisheries Research 70 (2-3), 251-264, 2004 | 132 | 2004 |
Effects of California El Niño 1982-1984 on the northern anchovy PC Fiedler, RD Methot, RP Hewitt | 121 | 1986 |
Estimating natural mortality in stock assessment applications JKT Brodziak, JN Ianelli, K Lorenzen, RD Methot US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …, 2011 | 120 | 2011 |
Including discard data in fisheries stock assessments: two case studies from south-eastern Australia AE Punt, DC Smith, GN Tuck, RD Methot Fisheries Research 79 (3), 239-250, 2006 | 113 | 2006 |
Simulation testing the robustness of stock assessment models to error: some results from the ICES strategic initiative on stock assessment methods JJ Deroba, DS Butterworth, RD Methot Jr, JAA De Oliveira, C Fernandez, ... ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (1), 19-30, 2015 | 111 | 2015 |
Wind Stress and Cycles in Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister) Catch off California, Oregon, and Washington DF Johnson, LW Botsford, RD Methot Jr, TC Wainwright Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43 (4), 838-845, 1986 | 108 | 1986 |
Accounting for shifting distributions and changing productivity in the development of scientific advice for fishery management MA Karp, JO Peterson, PD Lynch, RB Griffis, CF Adams, WS Arnold, ... ICES Journal of Marine Science 76 (5), 1305-1315, 2019 | 107 | 2019 |