MCYT baseline corpus: a bimodal biometric database J Ortega-Garcia, J Fierrez-Aguilar, D Simon, J Gonzalez, ... IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 150 (6), 395-401, 2003 | 927 | 2003 |
Successful treatment of active ankylosing spondylitis with the anti–tumor necrosis factor α monoclonal antibody infliximab J Brandt, H Haibel, D Cornely, W Golder, J Gonzalez, J Reddig, ... Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 2000 | 711 | 2000 |
Libro rojo de los vertebrados en Espana. JC Blanco, JL Gonzalez Coleccion Tecnica-ICONA (Espana)., 1992 | 510 | 1992 |
Deficient lower‐segment Cesarean section scars: prevalence and risk factors D Ofili‐Yebovi, J Ben‐Nagi, E Sawyer, J Yazbek, C Lee, J Gonzalez, ... Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Official Journal of the …, 2008 | 442 | 2008 |
Results of screening 1.9 million Texas newborns for 21-hydroxylase-deficient congenital adrenal hyperplasia BL Therrell Jr, SA Berenbaum, V Manter-Kapanke, J Simmank, K Korman, ... Pediatrics 101 (4), 583-590, 1998 | 434 | 1998 |
Ictiofauna continental española: bases para su seguimiento I Doadrio Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Centro de Publicaciones, 2011 | 225 | 2011 |
Evaluating environmental impacts of contrasting pig farming systems with life cycle assessment JY Dourmad, J Ryschawy, T Trousson, M Bonneau, J Gonzalez, ... Animal 8 (12), 2027-2037, 2014 | 193 | 2014 |
Removal of quinolone antibiotics from wastewaters by sorption and biological degradation in laboratory-scale membrane bioreactors N Dorival-García, A Zafra-Gómez, A Navalón, J González, JL Vílchez Science of the total Environment 442, 317-328, 2013 | 166 | 2013 |
Operational analysis of an innovative wind powered reverse osmosis system installed in the Canary Islands JA Carta, J González, V Subiela Solar Energy 75 (2), 153-168, 2003 | 156 | 2003 |
Solar photocatalysis for detoxification and disinfection of contaminated water: pilot plant studies A Vidal, AI Dıaz, A El Hraiki, M Romero, I Muguruza, F Senhaji, ... Catalysis Today 54 (2-3), 283-290, 1999 | 148 | 1999 |
Terpenoids Isolated from Psidium guajava Hexane Extract with Depressant Activity on Central Nervous System M Meckes, F Calzada, J Tortoriello, JL González, M Martínez Phytotherapy Research 10 (7), 600-603, 1996 | 132 | 1996 |
Fisiología veterinaria A García, F Castejón, LF De la Cruz, J González, MD Murillo, G Salido Madrid (Esp): MacGraw Hill-Interamericana SA, 1995 | 130 | 1995 |
Sepiolite-based adsorbents as humidity controller JC Gonzalez, M Molina-Sabio, F Rodrıguez-Reinoso Applied Clay Science 20 (3), 111-118, 2001 | 125 | 2001 |
Puerto Rico: the four-storeyed country and other essays JL González (No Title), 1993 | 123 | 1993 |
Ascorbic acid and 4‐hexylresorcinol effects on pear PPO and PPO catalyzed browning reaction E Arias, J González, R Oria, P Lopez‐Buesa Journal of food science 72 (8), C422-C429, 2007 | 120 | 2007 |
A breeding area for humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off Ecuador M Scheidat, C Castro, J Denkinger, J Gonz, D Adelung J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2 (3), 165-171, 2000 | 120 | 2000 |
13C/12C isotope ratio MS analysis of testosterone, in chemicals and pharmaceutical preparations X De la Torre, JC González, S Pichini, JA Pascual, J Segura Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 24 (4), 645-650, 2001 | 114 | 2001 |
Recent invasion and status of the raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Spain JT García, FJ García, F Alda, JL González, MJ Aramburu, Y Cortés, ... Biological Invasions 14, 1305-1310, 2012 | 104 | 2012 |
Broth medium for the successful culture of the fish pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis AJ Yañez, K Valenzuela, H Silva, J Retamales, A Romero, R Enriquez, ... Diseases of aquatic organisms 97 (3), 197-205, 2012 | 103 | 2012 |
Energy-efficient PEO process of aluminium alloys E Matykina, R Arrabal, A Pardo, M Mohedano, B Mingo, I Rodríguez, ... Materials letters 127, 13-16, 2014 | 101 | 2014 |