Strong-coupling cavity QED using rare-earth-metal-ion dopants in monolithic resonators: What you can do with a weak oscillator DL McAuslan, JJ Longdell, MJ Sellars
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (6), 062307, 2009
101 2009 Photon-echo quantum memories in inhomogeneously broadened two-level atoms DL McAuslan, PM Ledingham, WR Naylor, SE Beavan, MP Hedges, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (2), 022309, 2011
97 2011 Laser cooling and control of excitations in superfluid helium GI Harris, DL McAuslan, E Sheridan, Y Sachkou, C Baker, WP Bowen
Nature Physics 12 (8), 788-793, 2016
81 2016 Reducing decoherence in optical and spin transitions in rare-earth-metal-ion–doped materials DL McAuslan, JG Bartholomew, MJ Sellars, JJ Longdell
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (3), 032339, 2012
80 2012 Back-scatter based whispering gallery mode sensing J Knittel, JD Swaim, DL McAuslan, GA Brawley, WP Bowen
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2974, 2013
66 2013 Optomechanical magnetometry with a macroscopic resonator C Yu, J Janousek, E Sheridan, DL McAuslan, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop, ...
Physical Review Applied 5 (4), 044007, 2016
61 2016 Coherent vortex dynamics in a strongly interacting superfluid on a silicon chip YP Sachkou, CG Baker, GI Harris, OR Stockdale, S Forstner, MT Reeves, ...
Science 366 (6472), 1480-1485, 2019
58 2019 Minimum requirements for feedback enhanced force sensing GI Harris, DL McAuslan, TM Stace, AC Doherty, WP Bowen
Physical review letters 111 (10), 103603, 2013
56 2013 Precision Measurement of Electronic Ion-Ion Interactions <?format ?>between Neighboring Optical Centers RL Ahlefeldt, DL McAuslan, JJ Longdell, NB Manson, MJ Sellars
Physical review letters 111 (24), 240501, 2013
40 2013 Microphotonic forces from superfluid flow DL McAuslan, GI Harris, C Baker, Y Sachkou, X He, E Sheridan, ...
Physical Review X 6 (2), 021012, 2016
36 2016 High bandwidth on-chip capacitive tuning of microtoroid resonators CG Baker, C Bekker, DL McAuslan, E Sheridan, WP Bowen
Optics Express 24 (18), 20400-20412, 2016
33 2016 Theoretical framework for thin film superfluid optomechanics: towards the quantum regime CG Baker, GI Harris, DL McAuslan, Y Sachkou, X He, WP Bowen
New Journal of Physics 18 (12), 123025, 2016
29 2016 Coherent spectroscopy of rare-earth-metal-ion-doped whispering-gallery-mode resonators DL McAuslan, D Korystov, JJ Longdell
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (6), 063847, 2011
29 2011 Using quantum memory techniques for optical detection of ultrasound DL McAuslan, LR Taylor, JJ Longdell
Applied Physics Letters 101 (19), 2012
22 2012 Quantum Computing Hardware Based on Rare-Earth-Ion Doped Whispering-Gallery Mode Resonators DL McAuslan
University of Otago, 2011
4 2011 Optomechanics with superfluid helium-4 GI Harris, DL McAuslan, C Baker, Y Sachkou, E Sheridan, Z Duan, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, JTh5B. 2, 2015
1 2015 Superfluid optomechanics G Harris, D McAuslan, E Sheridan, W Bowen
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2014, H1. 353, 2014
1 2014 Optical detection of ultrasound using AFC-based quantum memory technique in cryogenic rare earth ion doped crystals LR Taylor, DL McAuslan, JJ Longdell
Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2013 8581, 185-194, 2013
1 2013 Optomechanics with superfluid He4 thin films C Baker, G Harris, D McAuslan, Y Sachkou, X He, E Sheridan, W Bowen
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, B52. 004, 2016
2016 Superfluid optomechanics DL McAuslan, GI Harris, C Baker, Y Sachkou, WP Bowen
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, 25G3_2, 2015